为“胀”绸缪 屯兵成长

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央行重拳频出仍难降通胀高温。国家统计局最新数据显示,今年一季度CPI涨幅5%,3月更创下32个月来新高,升至5.4%,而年内二度加息后的一年期定存利率仅为3.25%。如何投资理财,跑赢CPI?在众多抗通胀“良方”中,基金以其入场门槛低、投资操作简便,又具有专家理财、分散风险的优势,成为普通投资者淘金通胀的理想工具。五届金牛得主嘉实基金在成长性投资领域处于领先地位,旗下两只成长型基金业绩表现优异。嘉 Central bank heavy blows still hard to reduce inflation high temperature. According to the latest statistics released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the CPI rose 5% in the first quarter of this year, reaching a 32-month high in March and rising to 5.4%. The one-year interest rate after the second rate hike in the year was only 3.25%. How to Invest in Financial Management and Outperform CPI? Among many anti-inflation and prescription remedies, the fund has the advantage of low barriers to entry, easy operation of investment, and advantages of experts in managing wealth and diversifying risks. It has become an ideal for general investors to seek gold inflation tool. Five Taurus winners Castrol Fund is a leader in the growth of investment, the performance of its two growth funds outstanding. Ka
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