钻探泥浆这个术语是指在石油和天然气勘探时,在旋转钻井机钻探进程中,连续循环通过钻头的那些液体。这些经过精心配制的泥浆完成以下主要功能: 1.提升钻屑到地面; 2.控制井的压力; 3.滤饼形式的隔离层可以把岩层的流体和井孔的泥浆隔离;
The term drilling mud refers to those liquids that circulate continuously through the drill bit during the drilling of a rotary drilling machine during oil and gas exploration. These well-formulated slurries accomplish the following major functions: 1. Raising drill cuttings to the surface; 2. Controlling well pressure; 3. Isolation layers in the form of filter cakes to isolate fluid in the formation from mud in the wellbore;