增强宪法意识 推进依法治国

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根据中央要以十届人大二次会议通过的宪法修正案为契机,在全党全国集中开展学习和贯彻实施宪法活动的精神,中央宣传部等五部委专门组织了首都司局级以上干部参加的形势报告会,请全国人大常委会委员、全国人大法律委员会主任委员、中央宪法修改小组办公室主任杨景宇同志就深入学习宪法作报告,本刊特将报告主要内容刊发。 According to the amendment made by the Central Government to the constitutional amendment passed at the Second Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress, the Central Government Propaganda Department and other five ministries have organized specially the cadres above the capital bureau level in the spirit of studying and implementing the constitutional activities concentrated throughout the country. The situation report meeting asked Comrades Yang Jingyu, member of the NPC Standing Committee, chairman of the NPC Law Committee and director of the Central Organization Amendment Office to make a report on the in-depth study of the constitution. The main content of this report was published.
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民主本来就是一种说服、讨论、协商的过程,立法过程中产生不同的声音是正常的。反复讨论与协商,只能使法律更加成熟,更具有适用性。立法本身,也在论证中提高质量 Democracy
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在一个法治的社会和国度,公民的人权应该受到最广泛的尊重。法律的刚性与人性化执法并不矛盾,公民的人权越受到重视就越说明社会的文明进步 In a society ruled by law and