Geochemical identification of coal-sourced oils and inter-bedded shale-sourced oils as revealed by c

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tsmcxuesheng
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To date, questions remain as to how to differentiate between coal- and interbedded shale-sourced oils in coal measures. Based on the hypothesis that δ13C value of sedimentary organic matter is controlled by the depositional environment and productivities of biota grown in such depositional setting, this note examines compound specific carbon isotopic profiles from coal and interbedded shale extracts using the gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spec-trometry technique (GC/IRMS). The results show that compound specific carbon isotope values from coal extracts are enriched in 13C relative to that of interbedded shale extracts, and provide useful information in characterizing coal- and interbedded shale-sourced oils in coal measures. An example for its successful application from the Turpan Basin, Northwestern China is presented. To date, questions remain as to how to differentiate between coal- and interbedded shale-sourced oils in coal measures. Based on the hypothesis that δ13C value of sedimentary organic matter is controlled by the depositional environment and productivities of biota grown in such depositional setting, this note examines compound specific carbon isotopic profiles from coal and interbedded shale extracts using the gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spec-trometry technique (GC / IRMS). The results show that compound specific carbon isotope values ​​from coal extracts are enriched in 13C relative to that of interbedded shale extracts, and provide useful information in characterizing coal- and interbedded shale-sourced oils in coal measures. An example for its successful application from the Turpan Basin, Northwestern China is presented.
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