依靠科技进步 促进矿井发展

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【正】 据调查,万元户的生产经营具有明显的专业化性质,所以商品率都比较高,一般在80%以上。其中有许多万元户的产品,还供应外贸扩大出口,为国家增加了外汇收入。据山西省襄汾
In Martinique (F.W.I.), biodiversity of vegetable varieties remain unexploited due to public unawareness or supply problems. To further enhance the sweet potato
Since most of the central regions of the European part of Russia are considered selenium and iodine deficient, the assessment of modern real consumption of chlo
<正> 《行风热线》是宝鸡市委宣传部、组织部、市文明办、市纠风办、市广电局在宝鸡人民广播电台开办的一个大型直播对话节目。宝鸡日报社、宝鸡电视台与电台联动刊播。经过
Bt corn “MON810: Ajeeb YG” produces delta endotoxins in the whole plant due to the genetic modification process. The chemical analysis of this variety showed