拓展农村信贷业务领域 积极满足农户融资要求——对官渡区矣六农村信用社农户贷款的调查报告

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为了更好的贯彻落实人总行关于做好当前农村信贷工作的有关精神,针对如何扩大农户贷款范围,开办农村消费信贷,优先发放好农业贷款,提高农业贷款比重;改进和完善支农信贷服务等问题,人行昆明官渡区支行在对辖区内信用社农贷工作进行全面调查的基础上,重点选择了矣六农村信用社作典型调查。一、基本情况矣六乡地处昆明东南郊,农业人口26715人,农业主要是以养殖、种植为主导产业;乡镇企业主要是建筑业,是一个以农业为主的乡镇,仅以养殖业来说,去年该乡的家禽出栏数为703000只,占了17个乡镇总数的40%。矣六农村信用社服务于全乡十一个办事处,二十三个自然村,营业网 In order to better implement the spirit of the People’s Bank of China on doing a good job in the current rural credit work, we should give priority to how to expand the scope of rural household loans, set up rural consumer credit, give priority to issuing agricultural loans, and increase the proportion of agricultural loans; improve and perfect the credit support services for rural residents Problems, pedestrians Kunming branch of the Guandu District in the area of ​​credit cooperatives to carry out a comprehensive investigation of the work of rural credit loans, the choice of the six rural credit cooperatives for a typical survey. First, the basic situation Carrying six Township is located in the southeast suburbs of Kunming, 26,715 people of agriculture, agriculture is mainly to farming, planting as the leading industry; township enterprises are mainly construction, is a predominantly agricultural township, only to aquaculture to Said that the number of slaughtered poultry in the township was 703,000 last year, accounting for 40% of the total number of 17 townships and townships. Six rural credit cooperatives serving the township eleven offices, twenty-three villages, business network
【正】 主办单位:中国科学院  承办单位:中科院国际学术交流中心、人才交流开发中心  北京人才资源开发协会  会议时间:2002年11月13日-15日 会议地点:北京友谊宾馆
<正> 企业寻找投资方向,必须考虑四个影响因素:一是企业结余资金的流动性,二是经济增长的热点、增长速度和利润率能超过社会通货膨胀率的行业,三是投资的风险度,四是国家金融
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