Cultivation and Ultrastructural Investigation of Human Iris Pigment Epithelial Cells

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Purpose; To study the human iris pigment epithelial cells cultivation in vitro. Methods: The iris pigment epithelial cells were isolated by scraping directly or by enzyme digestion and cultured in vitro. The cells were observed under the transmission electron microscope and analized by means of immunohistochemical assay.Results: The cells obtained by scraping were easier to grow and to be passaged than those obtained by enzyme digestion. The primary cells appeared multigonal and arranged in mono-layer. Abundant pigment granules were in the cytoplasm and diminished in succeeding generations . The maculae occludentes and desmosomes and microvilli which were characteristics of epithelial cells could be found under the electronmicroscope. The immunohistochemical assay showed positive reaction of keratin antigen in cultured cells.Conclusion: The human iris pigment epithelial cells could be cultured in vitro and the cells in primary generation some characteristics be preserved. Eye Science 1997; 13: 137 - 140 To study the human iris pigment epithelial cells cultivation in vitro. Methods: The iris pigment epithelial cells were isolated by scraping directly or by enzyme digestion and cultured in vitro. The cells were observed under the transmission electron microscope and analized by means of immunohistochemical assay. Results: The cells obtained by scraping were easier to grow and to be passaged than those obtained by enzyme digestion. The primary cells appeared in the cytoplasm and diminished in succeeding generations. The Maculae occludentes and desmosomes and microvilli which were characteristics of epithelial cells could be found under the electron microscope. The immunohistochemical assay showed positive reaction of keratin antigen in cultured cells. Confluence: The human iris pigment epithelial cells could be cultured in vitro and the cells in primary generation some characteristics be preserved. Eye Science 1 997; 13: 137 - 140
摘 要:初中物理教师要在实际教学中不断研究,优化传统教学方法,进行趣味教学,最大化地激发学生的学习兴趣。笔者结合实际教学,就初中物理趣味化教学进行探讨。  关键词:初中物理;教学策略;趣味化  中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)23-055-1  物理是自然科学学科的基础,与我们的日常有很大的联系。有效的物理教学不但可以培养学生的学习兴趣,增长学生的
目的 探讨B19病毒中国株NS基因的变异。方法 采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术,从中国再障患儿血清中扩增人细小病毒B19-XA17,XA18,XA20株的NS基因片段,进行核苷酸序列分析。结果
我到一位画家的画室去,正好遇到一个有钱人要向他买画,两人一直谈不拢价钱。  有钱人抽着烟斗,一边要画家把价钱压低,一边夸耀自己的富有。  他说:“你可以问问艺术圈的朋友,看我过去买了多少画,如果你肯便宜点卖给我,我以后會向你买更多,而且我还可以介绍其他的有钱人来买你的画。”  画家沉默地听着他的叙述,只是微笑着,一句话也不说。  于是那富翁便有些生气了,说:“我上个月向国外订了一千万美元的货,谈判
帐篷对于驴友们来说并不罕见。几个人背着背包,在人烟稀少的野外行走,走累了就以天为被以地为床,随便支个帐篷就睡下,第二天一觉醒来又是一条好汉。但是,像我这么死要情调的人,躺在帐篷里不能看到星星月亮,岂不是一大憾事?  有一天,我与男友在中心广场上散步,突然天降大雨。路人们纷纷躲进临近的店铺里。男友先把我拉进一处屋檐,神秘地掏出一个袋子,只见他左折右叠,居然变成一个面积约2平方米的全透明帐篷!我惊奇地
每一个留学生,在出国前都会经历一系列的“磨难”:  背不完的单词,说不顺的口语题,总也分不了手的托福和Gre……  有多少次你感觉生无可恋?有多少次挣扎的同时,你想着干脆差不多就得了?又有多少次你直接想要放弃?  那么你不妨看看他——脑瘫男孩莫天池的故事。  长沙男孩莫天池因出生时遭遇意外,不幸罹患脑性瘫痪,导致先天性运动神经受损,不能独立站立行走。  他说话、写字,甚至连吞咽都有严重障碍,无法正