
来源 :上海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javaauto
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所谓统计口径(Statistic specifications),在日常应用中实际指的就是统计指标口径(Specifications ofthe Statistic Indexes)和统计计算口径(specificationsof the calculate Indexes),即是指统计指标内涵的界定和计算标准。一般来讲,在确定指标名称、计量单位、计算方法后,统计指标有三大要素组:时间限制——时间、空间限制——范围、内容限制——口径。众所周知,由于统计是用数字对社会经济现象的一种客观描述,其研究对象是大量现象的数量方面和社会经济活动的方法和规律,所以首先一项数值,如果没有明确的指标涵义,其只能是抽象的数字,不可能正确反映现象的数字特征、本质和发展变化的规律性。其次,指标又总是用数值来表现的,如果没有 The so-called Statistic specifications, which are actually referred to in the daily application as Specifications of the Statistic Indexes and specifications of the calculated Indexes, refer to the definition and calculation of the connotation of statistical indicators. In general, there are three major groups of statistical indicators after determining the name of the indicator, the unit of measurement and the calculation method: time limit - time, space limit - range, content limit - caliber. It is well-known that since statistics are an objective description of socio-economic phenomena by numbers and their research objects are the methods and laws of the quantity and the socio-economic activities of a large number of phenomena, first of all, if there is no clear indication of the meaning of the indicator Can be abstract figures, it is impossible to correctly reflect the digital characteristics of the phenomenon, the nature and the regularity of development and change. Second, the indicator is always expressed as a numerical value, if not
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