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近年来,随着市场经济的发展,工业机械化对于模具的要求也越来越高,模具行业逐步朝着高精度、高质量发展。在模具行业的发展中,模具钳工起着至关重要的作用,模具钳工的高工作质量才能确保模具具有较好的质量。然而,也可以看出,我国模具在产品的寿命、精度和成本上都同模具先进制造国有着很大的差距,差距大的原因是多方面的,其中一方面在于模具钳工的较低的制作水平。本文主要分析模具钳工在模具发展中的地位和作用。 In recent years, with the development of market economy, the requirements of industrial mechanization for molds are also getting higher and higher, and the mold industry is gradually moving towards high-precision and high-quality development. In the development of the mold industry, the mold fitter plays a vital role, the high quality of the mold fitter to ensure that the mold has good quality. However, it can also be seen that the molds in our country have a great disparity in terms of product life, accuracy and cost with the state of the art mold manufacturing. There are many reasons for the wide gap between the molds. One of them is the lower production of mold fitters Level. This paper analyzes the mold fitter in the mold development status and role.
太空与深海,是人类长久以来一直梦想征服的秘境。在“嫦娥一号”开启中国人探月之门后,黑暗寒冷的深海洋底,也出现了中国人的身影。会婵娟、探龙宫,世代相传的中国神话变成了现实。“蛟龙”号5000米级载人深潜试验成功,在海洋深处留下的不仅是中国人的踪迹,也是全人类在探寻海洋奥秘道路上迈出的坚实一步。  深海的奥妙在于探索,人类的精神在于追求。1000米、3000米、5000米,“蛟龙”号的每一次下潜,都吸
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Based on the whole-current equations of typhoon surge and its definite difference equations, this paper develops a numerical prediction mode! for typhoon surge
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The International Seabed Authority(ISA) signed a contract on the exploration of polymetallic sulphides submitted with the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association (COMRA) in