Asia Telecom '97表明:通信标准战烽烟再起

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记者刘克丽新加坡报道接入式系统、无绳技术、无线寻呼技术、对讲机等标准争夺战,6月14日在新加坡结束的 Asia Telecom’97表现得极为突出。摩托罗拉、爱立信、NEC 等美国、欧洲、日本大公司都已卷入这新一轮标准争夺中。上亿台 PC 机未来要联网、未来手持式设备对网的依赖、无线网对 PC 网的介入等发展趋势,给通信厂商带来新的机会。继本世纪以来,有线、无线传输标准似乎基本制定,标准战火一直没有熄灭,到90年代初期,接入系统使多种传输方式与主干网相联,形成 HFC 与 XDSL 两大派别,特别是HFC 技术给没有基础设施的通信厂商带来机会。在展览会上,中国华为公司也展出了 HONET~(TM)接入式系统,与发达国家同类产品站在同一起跑线上。 The reporter Liu Keli Singapore reported on the standard competition of access systems, cordless technology, radio paging technology, and intercoms. Asia Telecom’97, which ended on June 14 in Singapore, performed extremely well. Motorola, Ericsson, NEC and other large companies in the United States, Europe, and Japan have all been involved in this new round of standard competition. The development trend of hundreds of millions of PCs in the future, networking in the future, the dependence of handheld devices on networks, and the involvement of wireless networks in PC networks will bring new opportunities to communication companies. Since the beginning of this century, the wireline and wireless transmission standards seem to be basically established, and the standard warfare has not been extinguished. By the early 1990s, access systems enabled multiple transmission methods to be linked to the backbone network, forming the two major branches of HFC and XDSL, especially the HFC. Technology brings opportunities to communication vendors without infrastructure. At the exhibition, Huawei China also exhibited the HONETTM access system, which is located on the same starting line with similar products from developed countries.
“零管理”是Microsoft在可伸缩方案中提出的概念。6月2日副总裁董家骏(Richard Tong)在京举行了发布会,他在演说中列举了大量数据说明,Wintel阵营方案比非Wintel阵营网络方
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6月4日获悉:北大方正出版系统工程公司推出了“MultiTECH与方正飞扬捆绑销售计 Was informed on June 4: Peking University Founder Publishing System Engineering Co.,
许多公司都有适合Web专业人士的良好职位,但他们不想公之于众,而是求助于旧金山州立大学的多煤体研究程序总监Christopher Marler。为什么?因为职位虽多,合适的人选可不多。
微软开始编一张网,收天下“爱心”。在网络就是计算机、网络就是TV,就是……的今天,微软把自己的产品结进网中,有一天人们发现微软就是网络时,千万别感慨! Microsoft began
IBM、四通利方、Motorola 联手推出的。预装软件 OEM 神龙计划”向业界宣布不到一个月,就已经有同创、浪潮、海星、AST、四通等10多家 PC 厂商共签订了50多万套的预装合同。
在与Hayes计算机通信产品公司负责国际及新技术销售的副总裁Andy Berman先生近一个小时的交谈中,给我留下最深印象的Hayes已开始扩展其业务,改变其在用户心目中只是个Modem
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