第十四届国际内燃机会议于1981年6月8日至15日在芬兰的赫尔辛基召开。参加会议的有来自34个国家的688名代表。会议期间共宣读了有关柴油机方面的论文65篇,燃气轮方面的论文25篇。我国派出赵奎翰、毛学鸣、李国瑞、郑世同四位同志参加会议,并由前三位同志分别发表了三篇论文。这是我国第一次在该会议上宣读论文。 有关柴油机方面的论文可分为下列几个专题:
The 14th International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines was held in Helsinki, Finland from June 8 to 15, 1981. There were 688 delegates from 34 countries participating in the conference. A total of 65 papers on diesel engines and 25 papers on gas turbines were read during the conference. Four Chinese comrades, including Zhao Kuihan, Mao Xueming, Li Guorui and Zheng Shitong, were dispatched to the conference and three papers were published respectively by the first three comrades. This is the first time our country has read a paper at this conference. Papers on diesel engines can be divided into the following topics: