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大蒜是我区的重要农产品之一,除满足当地人民所需外,尚有大量出口。由于大蒜极易感染植物病毒,致使品质退化和产量下降。对植物病毒至今尚无有效的防法方法,但可以通过植物生长点培养法获得不带病毒的优良种苗。新疆农科院微生物所于1985年 Garlic is one of the important agricultural products in our district. In addition to meeting the needs of local people, there are still a large number of exports. Because garlic is highly susceptible to plant viruses, it causes quality degradation and decreased yields. To date, there is no effective anti-pandemic method for plant viruses, but good seedlings without virus can be obtained through plant growth point culture. Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Microbes in 1985
We use the random matrix method to study one kind of quantum random hopping. The Hamiltonian is a nonHermitian matrix with some negative subdiagonal elements. U
中国农业科学院棉花研究所自一九七五年起,以河南省商丘县谢集乡为基点,系统研究了棉花保全苗、促 Cotton Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Since
We propose a theoretical scheme for any-to-any multi-user quantum key distribution on a passive optical networkwith ordered N Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs. Thi
An optical phase conjugator is used to enhance transmission stability of polarization solitons in highly birefringent fibres. Two polarization solitons form a b
A proposal of the cosmological origin of Higgs particles is given. We show that the Higgs field could be created from the vacuum quantum conformal fluctuation (
We investigate an all-solid-state continuous wave (cw) green (532nm), femtosecond near-infrared (823.1 nm)and blue (402nm) laser system which is pumped by a dio
在中国神话传说里,最富的神仙并非天上的玉皇大帝,而是海底的龙王,就连刚出道的齐天大圣孙悟空也明白其中道理,所以时不时敲诈一番邻居老龙王。  既然人类己有勇气探索火星,更不会放过家门口的未知地带。海洋面积有3.6亿平方千米,人类一直只能在浅海区活动和开发,对深海的情况几乎一无所知。到了近代,深海探测器技术突飞猛进,科学家也只探测了1%的海区,大部分海域还是等着认识的处女地。陆地资源大半已经用完,海洋
英国剑桥作物研究所的R.A.Bayles等于1982-1984年间,进行了16个冬小麦品种对于Septoria tritici(小麦叶斑病)自然感染的抗性差异显著性测定,他们用小麦叶斑病菌进行人工接种
We report a simple method to make two-dimensional plane gratings that can be used as splitters. In the selfassembly process, the colloidal spheres can form sing