
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y253119971
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目的分析2008年湖北省血吸虫病疫情变化。方法收集并分析全省防治工作、监测点和达标验收专项调查数据。结果2008年全省63个流行县(市、区)中,21个达到传播阻断标准,19个达到传播控制标准,23个达到疫情控制标准。三、四、五类流行村分别占全省流行村的52.10%、27.80%和20.09%。居民和耕牛感染率分别为1.70%和2.20%,分别较2007年下降了27.04%和34.33%。有螺面积为77 363 hm2,较2007年减少了315.70 hm2。74个省级监测点居民和耕牛血吸虫感染率分别为1.32%和1.85%,较2007年下降了32.99%和68.38%;查出有螺面积2 833.98hm2,感染螺面积215.35 hm2,活螺密度为0.37只/0.1 m2,感染螺密度为0.000 3只/0.1 m2,钉螺感染率为0.08%,与2007年相比,有螺面积下降了3.81%,感染螺面积上升了4.52%,活螺密度、感染螺密度和钉螺感染率分别下降了21.28%、40.00%和27.30%。疫情达标考核验收结果表明全省15个疫情未控制县(市、区)均达疫情控制标准。结论2008年湖北省血吸虫病疫情大幅下降,但流行态势依然严峻,应继续采取整合资源的防治策略,落实整体推进的防治措施,加强控制力度,以确保防治成效。 Objective To analyze the epidemic situation of schistosomiasis in Hubei Province in 2008. Methods Collection and analysis of the province’s prevention and treatment work, monitoring points and acceptance of specific survey data. Results In 2008, out of 63 endemic counties (cities and districts) in the province, 21 reached the standard of transmission block, 19 reached the standard of communication control and 23 reached the control standard of epidemic situation. Three, four and five popular villages accounted for 52.10%, 27.80% and 20.09% respectively of the popular villages in the province. Infection rates of residents and cattle were 1.70% and 2.20% respectively, down 27.04% and 34.33% respectively from 2007. The snail area was 77 363 hm2, a decrease of 315.70 hm2 from 2007. The infection rates of residents and cattle in schistosomiasis at 74 provincial-level monitoring sites were 1.32% and 1.85%, respectively, down 32.99% and 68.38% compared with that of 2007; The snail area was 2 833.98hm2, the infected snail area was 215.35 hm2, the live lobe density was 0.37 /0.1 m2, the infected snail density was 0.0003 /0.1 m2, and the infection rate of snails was 0.08%. Compared with 2007, the snail area Decreased by 3.81% and the infected area increased by 4.52%. The live lobe density, infected snail density and snail infection rate decreased by 21.28%, 40.00% and 27.30% respectively. Outbreak of the standard assessment results show that the province’s 15 outbreaks of uncontrolled counties (cities, districts) reached the epidemic control standards. Conclusions The epidemic situation of schistosomiasis in Hubei Province dropped significantly in 2008, but the epidemic situation is still grim. We should continue to adopt the strategy of integrated resources prevention and control, implement the overall prevention and control measures, and strengthen the control so as to ensure the effectiveness of prevention and treatment.
见到阿泰,你就见识了什么叫明明可以靠脸吃饭,却偏要靠才华。拥有一张帅气面孔的他,本可以走偶像路线,但到了赛场上,他一定是全场最冷面的杀手。  “队伍的中流砥柱”,“什么都能打”,“无敌的选手”。这是队友们对阿泰的评价,从中单到辅助无所不精,根据团队需求可以转战任何位置。若论全面能力,恐怕国服无出其右。  出生于1993年的阿泰对游戏堪称天赋异禀,在魔兽世界最火的那个年代,年仅十几岁的他就凌驾于一众
裕优132是广州市金粤生物科技有限公司用裕A与JY132配组育成的早、晚兼用籼型三系杂交稻。裕优132株叶形态好,产量高,在广东省2 a区试中平均单产7.36 t/hm2,比对照优优122增
对于职业选手来说,29岁意味着已经来到了职业生涯的末期。但对花七来说,29岁却是他职业生涯起步的年纪。这个即将进入30岁的男人,在实现梦想的机会摆在眼前时,选择接受了挑战。  KPL前四周的比赛中,DL的表现给人留下了深刻的印象。4战过后,他们取得3胜1负的战绩,和实力强劲的eStar并列排名A组榜首。让花七一直耿耿于怀的是,DL在与eStar的直接对话中,吃到了败仗,如果那场比赛中他们能够取胜,
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