
来源 :机电一体化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GoldGhost
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这场突如其来的雪灾给交通、农业、电力、钢铁、化工、煤炭等行业带来了不同程度的影响。整个社会就是一个有机整体,连锁效应异常明显。没有谁能够在灾难面前无功于衷,也没有谁可以对灾难造成的损失置若罔闻。但事物都有两面性,危“机”中也存在“机”遇。灾后重建成了时下最热门的话题。如何才能在灾后使企业迅速恢复,如何在灾后重建中获得企业发展的良机?2008年的第一季度是个受灾期,但也可能是企业在2008年的触底反弹点,就看谁能够在这第一季度调整过来。作为机电企业的决策层们又是如何来看待雪灾带来的影响?企业的研发力度和角度该如何进行战略调整?“对机会的发现与否,毋庸置疑地考验着我们的商业智慧。对机会的把握与否,毫不留情地体现着我们的企业活力。” The sudden snowstorm brought varying degrees of impact on the transportation, agriculture, electricity, steel, chemical industry and coal industries. The whole society is an organic whole, and the chain effect is obviously abnormal. No one can be fruitless in the face of disaster and no one can turn a deaf ear to the damage caused by the disaster. But things are two-sided, dangerous “machine ” also exists “machine ” case. After the disaster reconstruction has become the hottest topic nowadays. How to get the business to recover quickly after a disaster and how to get the chance of business development in the post-disaster reconstruction? The first quarter of 2008 was a disaster period, but it may also be the bottoming out point of the business in 2008 to see who can Adjusted in the first quarter. As the decision-makers of electrical and mechanical enterprises are how to treat the impact of the snowstorm? R & D efforts and perspectives on how to make strategic adjustments? “The discovery of the opportunity, no doubt to test our business wisdom. The chance to grasp or not, mercilessly embodies the vitality of our business. ”
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创建于1999年的无锡国盛精密模具有限公司是江苏省无锡市十佳高新技术企业之一,8年后的今天,它已经成为中国精密模具行业的领跑者。公司的迅猛发展,离不 Founded in 1999, W
由一个从句在句子中作宾语,这个句子就叫宾语从句。它是名词性从句的一种,在句中可以充当及物动词的宾语、介词的宾语和形容词的宾语。    一、宾语从句的连接词    其连接词有三种形式:由that引导;由连接代词who, which, whose和连接副词when, where, why, how等引导;由if或whether引导。宾语从句的连接词如何使用完全取决于从句的类型。  1. that引导的
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