
来源 :中国茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:C263185
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1984年茶叶经营放开以后,茶叶市场竞争日渐激烈,各地大大小小的茶叶加工厂蜂拥而上,茶叶商店遍布城乡大街小巷,进入90年代以来竞争更是达到高峰,不少茶厂、商家倒闭、关门,在激烈的商战中败下阵来。在这种严峻形势下,作为茶叶购销主渠道的国合企业,更面临竞争对手林立、企业离退休人员增多、库存包袱沉重、资金严重短缺以及“船大难调头”等难题,日子很不好过。如何度过难关,走出困境,这无疑是国合企业苦思求解的头等大事。陕西省茶叶公司近年在逆境中通过自身努力,已度过难关,重又崛起,1995年全公司茶叶销售金额达到1900余万元,比1994年增长32.4%,经济效益显著增加,企业出现了良好的发展势头。笔者现将该公司从逆境中崛起的成功经验作一介绍,供同行参考。 1.重企业信誉,重经销商品质量 为把好定购茶叶的质量关,公司总部成立了以业务经理、科长及质检员三位一体的质量监查小组。在进货渠道上将着眼点主要放在国营大中型老厂上,因为绝大多数大厂、老厂,技术力量雄厚,产品质量稳定,价格适中,信誉可靠。在订货的具体做法上,做到先看样、议价,再订合同并封存小样,货到后对样验收,然后付款,所以,公司多年来从未发生一起因商品质量问 In 1984, after the opening of the tea industry, the competition in the tea market became increasingly fierce. Large and small tea processing plants in various regions flocked to the streets. The tea shops spread all over the streets of urban and rural areas. Since the 1990s, the competition has reached a peak. Many tea factories and merchants Closed, closed, defeated in the fierce business war. Under such a severe situation, the state-owned enterprises, which are the main channels for the purchase and sale of tea, are also faced with challenges such as numerous competitors, increased number of retired employees, heavy inventory burdens, serious shortage of funds, and “turning the boat”. . How to survive the difficulties and get out of the predicament is undoubtedly the top priority for the state-owned enterprises to resolve. In recent years, Shaanxi Tea Company has passed its own efforts in adversity and has weathered the difficulties and re-emerged. In 1995, the company’s tea sales amounted to more than 1900 million yuan, an increase of 32.4% over 1994, and the economic benefits have increased significantly. The company has seen good development. momentum. The author is now introducing the company’s successful experience from adversity for reference by its peers. 1. Reliance on corporate reputation and quality of distributors In order to ensure the quality of ordering tea, the company headquarters has established a quality audit team consisting of business managers, section chiefs and quality inspectors. In the purchase channel, the focus will be mainly on state-owned large and medium-sized old factories, because the vast majority of large factories, old factories, strong technical force, product quality is stable, affordable and credible. In the specific practice of ordering, we must first look at the sample, negotiate prices, re-order the contract, and seal the sample. After the goods arrive, we will accept the samples and pay them. Therefore, the company has never been involved for many years because of the quality of the products.
国务院日前发出通知,批转了国家经贸委、冶金部《关于邯郸钢铁总厂管理经验调查报告》,要求各地区、各有关部门结合实际学习和推广他们的经验。 通知说,自1993年《国务院办公
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