Embryonic and larval development in barfin flounder Verasper moseri (Jordan and Gilbert)

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cycblb
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Broodstock of Verasper moseri (Jordan and Gilbert) aged 3-4 years old were selected,and reinforced cultivation was conducted to promote maturation under controlled water temperature and photoperiod conditions.Fertilized eggs were obtained by artificial fertilization,and the development of embryos,larvae and juveniles was observed continuously.The results showed that the fertilized eggs of V.moseri were spherical,with transparent yolk and homogeneous bioplasm,and had no oil globule inside.The average diameter of the eggs was 1.77±0.02 mm.The eggs of V.moseri were buoyant in water with salinity above 35.The cleavage type was typical discoidal.Young pigment cells appeared when olfactory plates began to form.Hatching occurred at 187 h after fertilization at a water temperature of 8.5°C.The newly hatched larvae,floating on the water surface,were transparent with an average total length of 4.69±0.15 mm.During the cultivation period,when the water temperature was raised from 9 to 14.5°C,4-day old larvae showed more melanophores on the body surface,making the larvae gray in color.The pectoral fins began to develop,which enabled the larvae to swim horizontally and in a lively manner.On days 7-8,the digestive duct formed.The yolk sac was small and black.The yolk sac was absorbed on day 11.Larvae took food actively,and body length and body height clearly increased.The rudiments of dorsal and anal fin pterygiophores were discernible and caudal fin ray elements formed on day 19.On day 24,the larval notochord flexed upwards,and the rays of unpaired fins began to differentiate.Pigment cells converged on the dorsal and anal fin rays,and the mastoid teeth on the mandible appeared.On day 29,the left eyes of juveniles began to move upwards.Depigmentation began in some juveniles and they became sandy brown in color on day 37.Most juveniles began to settle on the bottom of the tank.The left eyes of juveniles migrated completely to the right side on day 50,when the average body length attained 2.5±0.18 cm,and juveniles accomplished metamorphosis to young.The embryonic and larval characters of several flounder species are compared. Broodstock of Verasper moseri (Jordan and Gilbert) aged 3-4 years old were selected, and reinforced cultivation was conducted to promote maturation under controlled water temperature and photoperiod conditions. Fertilized eggs were obtained by artificial fertilization, and the development of embryos, larvae and juveniles was observed continuously. The results showed that the fertilized eggs of V. moseri were spherical, with transparent yolk and homogeneous bioplasm, and had no oil globule inside. The average diameter of the eggs was 1.77 ± 0.02 mm.The eggs of V. moseri were buoyant in water with salinity above 35.The cleavage type was typical discoidal .Young pigment cells were appeared olfactory plates began to form .Hatching occurred at 187 h after fertilization at a water temperature of 8.5 ° C.The newly hatched larvae, floating on the water surface, were transparent with an average total length of 4.69 ± 0.15 mm. During the cultivation period, when the water temperature was raised from 9 to 14.5 ° C, 4 -day old larvae showed more melanophores on the body surface, making the larvae gray in color. The pectoral fins began to develop, which enabled the larvae to swim horizontally and in a lively manner. Days 7-8, the digestive duct formed. The yolk sac was small and black. The yolk sac was absorbed on day 11. Larvae took food actively, and body length and body height clearly increased. The rudiments of dorsal and anal fin pterygiophores were discernible and caudal fin ray elements formed on day 19 .On day 24, the larval notochord flexed upwards, and the rays of unpaired fins began to differentiate. Pigment cells converged on the dorsal and anal fin rays, and the mastoid teeth on the mandible. Occasional day 29, the left eyes of juveniles began to move upwards.Depigmentation began in some juveniles and they became sandy brown in color on day 37.Most juveniles started to settle on the bottom of the tank.The left eyes of juveniles migrated completely to the right side on day 50, when the average body lengt h attained 2.5 ± 0.18 cm, and juveniles learned metamorphosis to young. embryonic and larval characters of several flounder species are compared.
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