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今年以来,我区各级档案部门通过认真学习贯彻邓小平同志南巡重要谈话和中央政治局会议精神及自治区党委有关文件,认识到当前我区的档案工作在为经济建设和改革开放服务中,在实现自身的改革开放进程中,还存在三个不适应的方面:一是思想认识跟不上客观发展的形势,表现为一些档案部门,特别是这些档案部门的领导同志,思想陈旧、思路不活,缺乏闯劲冒劲,在改革开放面前畏首畏尾,致使档案工作在当前形势下迈不开步子或步子不大;二是档案工作在为经济建设服务方面还存在着一些不适应的地方,比如,直接与经济建设特别是与一些新的经济建设项目相关的档案工作还没有建立健全起来,苏木、乡、镇档案工作特别是苏木、乡、镇企业档案工作还比较薄弱,各级各类档案馆、室所藏档案内容还比较单一,开发档案信 Since the beginning of this year, the archives departments at all levels in our region have carefully studied and implemented Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s important speech on the southern tour and the spirit of the meeting of the Central Political Bureau and the relevant documents of the party committees in the autonomous regions. He realized that at present archives work in our region is in the process of economic construction and reform and opening up. In the process of reform and opening up to the outside world, there are still three aspects that are not suited to the situation: First, the ideological understanding can not keep up with the objective development. Some archives departments, especially the leading comrades in these archival departments, are outdated in their thinking and inattentive in their thinking , The lack of aggressiveness and vigilance before the reform and opening up led to the archives work in the current situation can not be opened step or pace is not big; Second, the file job in the economic construction services there are still some not suited to the place, for example, direct Archives work related to economic construction, especially with some new economic construction projects, has not yet been established and improved. Archives work in the areas such as Hemu, townships and towns, especially in Hemu, townships and townships, is still weak in archival work. Archives of all levels and at all levels Museum, the possession of the files stored in the room is still relatively simple, the development of the file letter
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