改革创新双驱动 全力打造“北斗云谷”——郑州高新区千亿科技城风帆正举

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今天,当人们提起郑州这座中原名城时,最先想到的可能是少林寺和烩面。然而,当我踏进郑州高新区,环顾这99平方公里的土地时,我想几年之后,当人们再次提及郑州,或许脑海中最先闪现的是一座北斗系统的集聚地。因为一个规划建设的北斗云谷正在这里崛起,一个北斗产业集群在这里萌芽生长,这座中部城市的国家级高新区,正以自己独特的方式迎接北斗卫星产业化时代的来临,率先奏响号角,拉开北斗产业快速发展的序幕。自2012年10月,第16颗北斗导航卫星成功发射 Today, when people bring up the famous city of the Central Plains in Zhengzhou, the first thing that comes to mind may be the Shaolin Temple and noodle soup. However, when I stepped into Zhengzhou High-tech Zone and looked around at the 99-square-kilometer land, I thought a few years later, when people once again referred to Zhengzhou, perhaps the first flash of mind in my head was a gathering place for the Beidou system. Because a planning and construction of Beidou Cloud Valley is rising here, a Beidou industrial cluster has sprouted here. The Central High-tech Zone in the Central City is in its own unique way to meet the advent of the Beidou Satellite Industrialization era, and the first to play the horn , Opened the prelude to the rapid development of Beidou industry. Since October 2012, the 16th Beidou Navigation Satellite has been successfully launched
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