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  Ordinary People
  Girl I’m in love with you
  But this ain’t the honeymoon
  pass the infatuation[醉心] phase
  We’re right in the thick of[在最激烈的时刻] love
  At times we get sick of love
  It seems like we argue every day
  I know I misbehaved[表现不好]
  And you made your mistakes
  And we both still got room left to grow
  And though love sometimes hurts
  I still put you first
  And we’ll make this thing work
  But I think we should take it slow
  *We’re just ordinary people
  We don’t know which way to go
  Cause we’re ordinary people
  Maybe we should take it slow*
  **Take it slow, oh…
  This time we’ll take it slow
  Take it slow, oh…
  This time we’ll take it slow**
  This ain’t a movie, no
  No fairytale conclusion y’all
  It gets more confusing every day
  Sometimes it’s Heaven sent
  Then we head back to Hell again
  We kiss, then we make up[弥补] on the way
  I hang up, you call
  We rise and we fall
  And we feel like just walking away
  As our love advances
  We take second chances
  Though it’s not a fantasy
  I still want you to stay
  Take it slow
  Maybe we’ll live and learn
  Maybe we’ll crash and burn
  Maybe you’ll stay
  Maybe you’ll leave
  Maybe you’ll return
  Maybe another fight
  Maybe we won’t survive
  Maybe we’ll grow
  We’ll never know
  Baby, you and I
  Take it slow oh……slow
  This time we’ll take it slow
  Take it slow oh…
  This time we’ll take it slow
  by Nina Gordon
  Down to the earth I fell
  With dripping[滴下] wings
  Heavy things won’t fly
  And the sky might catch on fire
  And burn the axis[轴] of the world, that’s why
  I prefer a sunless sky
  To the glittering[闪烁的] and stinging[刺痛] in my eyes
  *Oh I feel so light
  This is all I want to feel tonight
  Oh I feel so light
  Tonight and the rest of my life
  Tonight and the rest of my life*
  Gleaming[发光] in the dark sea
  I’m as light as air
  Floating there breathlessly
  When the dream dissolves[散去] I open up my eyes
  I realize that
  Everything is shoreless sea
  Weightlessness is passing over me
  Everything is waves and stars
  The universe is resting in my arms
  I feel so light
  This is all I want to feel tonight
  I feel so light
  Tonight and the rest of my life
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