The fourth team of Highway Transport Bureau of Qiangyang area in Hunan Province is a mixed fleet of passenger and freight vehicles. The team has 95 cars and 190 drivers, of whom 52% are new pilots. They often drive in Jishou, Xuefeng Mountain, Zhenyuan of Guizhou, Tongren, Jinping and Guilin of Guangxi. These places are steep hills with steep slopes (up to 19.6% with a minimum camber radius of 7 meters and a shortest line of sight as short as 12 meters) that are subject to certain terrain restrictions on shipping conditions In the past, cycling should choose a better vehicle. In May last year, our province road transport technology revolution assembly meeting proposed the “old car to become a good car, a car when the car has towed, the team has a double shift,” the innovation slogan, the Board decided to trial bamboo structure trailer, After made by towing charcoal towed vehicles across the sea more than 2000 meters Xuefeng