发挥财政职能作用 促进科技创新能力的提高

来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SANDWICHSZHANG
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新中国成立50多年,经过几代人艰苦卓绝的持续奋斗,我国科技事业取得了令人鼓舞的巨大成就。以“两弹一星”、载人航天、杂交水稻等为标志的一大批重大科技成就,极大地增强了我国的综合国力,提高了我国的国际地位,振奋了我们的民族精神。同时,也必须认识到,同发达国家相比,我国科技总体水平还有相当大的差距,主要表现为:关键技术自给率低,发明专利数量少;科学研究质量不高,优秀人才匮乏; After more than 50 years of founding of new China, after several years of arduous and persistent struggle, China’s science and technology have made encouraging and tremendous achievements. A large number of major scientific and technological achievements marked by “two bombs and one satellite”, manned space flight and hybrid rice have greatly enhanced China’s overall national strength, raised China’s international status and inspired our national spirit. At the same time, we must also recognize that compared with the developed countries, there is still a considerable gap between the overall level of our country’s science and technology. The main manifestations are as follows: the low self-sufficiency rate of key technologies and the small number of invention patents; the poor quality of scientific research and the shortage of outstanding talents;
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目的 探讨急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)的临床特点、最佳治疗方案、维A酸综合征(RAS)的防治.方法分析18例APL患者的临床资料.结果18例APL患者中以出血起病16例.维A酸联合化疗治疗8例,疗程>6周期2例,分别于第26个月、第72个月复发死亡;2例早期死亡;4例<4周期者2例无病生存5年以上,2例于5年后复发,治疗后再次完全缓解.维A酸、砷剂联合化疗治疗10例无病生存2~37个月.结论AP
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