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随着国民经济的快速发展,道路交通运量迅猛增长,既有公路、城市道路等旧路加宽加铺改造工程也随着大量的付诸实施。对旧路进行加宽加铺改造时要特别注意:①新旧路基间的不均匀沉降以及新路基的塑性累积变形对路面结构响应的影响,②新旧路基间的刚度差异对路面结构响应的影响,③面层反射裂缝的防治等。为此,在旧路加宽改造工程的实施之前必须进行先期的方案试验研究。通常可采用软弱地基处理、基底清淤换填、旧路路堤台阶开挖、土工合成材料加筋垫层和加筋土路堤、土工织物防渗和排水、改良土高强路堤和轻质路堤、铺设土工合成材料防裂层或增大加铺层厚度等工程技术措施。本文结合津围公路(宝坻城区~蓟县)段公路加宽改造工程的实施,提出旧路加宽综合处治方案设计时的几点考虑。 With the rapid development of the national economy, the volume of road traffic has increased rapidly. As a result, the existing roads such as highways and urban roads have been widened and the renovation projects have been implemented in large numbers. Pay special attention to the widening and overhauling of the old roads: (1) the uneven settlement of the old and new subgrade and the plastic cumulative deformation of the new roadbed on the response of the pavement structure, (2) the influence of the stiffness difference between the old and new subgrade on the pavement structure response, ③ surface reflection cracks prevention and control. To this end, in the old road widening renovation project before the implementation of the program must be pilot study. Usually can be used to deal with the weak foundation, dredging replacement of the base, the old road embankment step excavation, geosynthetics reinforced cushion and reinforced embankment, geotextile seepage and drainage, improved soil high embankment and light embankment laying Geosynthetics anti-crack layer or increase the thickness of additional layer of engineering and technical measures. This article combined with the Jinwei Road (Baodi District ~ Jixian) section of highway widening renovation project implementation, put forward the old road broadening comprehensive treatment plan design considerations.
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本文探索感性认知、理性认知的形成过程,通过分析感知、知识、认知的内在关系来揭示人类知识的形成过程,进一步讨论“认知主义”在教学中的应用。 This article explores th