挪威国家石油公司(Norsk Statoil):建于1972年,由国家100%出资,拥有平面钻井、海底设备、石油与天然气多面流动、深水钻井、浮法生产、石油回收、天然气运输与加工方面的雄厚技术,是挪威最大的石油公司,年营业额已达1,200亿挪威克朗。挪威海德鲁公司(Norsk Hvdro):创建于1905年,二次世界大战后国家成为其主要股东,是挪威最大的工业集团之一和国际性企业。致力于能源、材料和食品领域,提供矿物肥料、石油、天然气、铝、镁、石油化工等产品。国有股份占51%,拥有35000名雇员。1998年营业额达975亿挪威克朗(单位 NOK,1999年现价1挪威克朗=1.05元人民币)。
Norsk Statoil: Founded in 1972 as 100% owned by the state with solid drilling, subsea equipment, multi-faceted oil and gas flow, deepwater drilling, float production, oil recovery, natural gas transportation and processing Technology, Norway’s largest oil company, has an annual turnover of NOK 200 billion. Norsk Hvdro: Founded in 1905 as a major shareholder after World War II, the country is one of Norway’s largest industrial conglomerates and an international player. Dedicated to the fields of energy, materials and foodstuffs, we provide mineral fertilizers, petroleum, natural gas, aluminum, magnesium, petrochemicals and other products. State-owned shares accounted for 51%, with 35000 employees. 1998 turnover of 97.5 billion Norwegian kroner (NOK, 1999, the current price of 1 NOK = 1.05 yuan).