Assessing the Sustainability of Underground Space Usage——A Toolkit for Testing Possible Urban Future

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyhai110
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A description of the future as it might be without forecasts, predictions and trend analysis can be referred to as a ’future scenario’. An abundance of scenarios literature exists in which numerous pictures have been painted of changed future worlds. However, upon closer inspection it becomes apparent that virtually all of this literature refers to changes occurring above ground, ignoring the inevitable consequences (or opportunities) for sustainable use of underground space, not least in densely populated urban areas, some of which may be underlain by complex geological conditions. This paper reports on the development (to date) of an ’Urban Futures’ (UF) toolkit for sub-surface environments (including infrastructure and utilities) which, through use of ’key’ questions ’sustainable’ indicators and a ’contextual’ narrative, allows for better definition and measured performance of underground space in the UK, both today and in the future. The toolkit explores possible uses for underground space within 4 plausible and well-cited future scenarios (i.e. New Sustainability Paradigm, Fortress World, Market Forces and Policy Reform). This forms part of a much larger generic toolkit which the UF research team are developing for exploring possible future scenarios over a range of UK urban regeneration case study areas. A description of the future as it might be without forecasts, predictions and trend analysis can be referred to as a future scenario ’. An abundance of scenarios literature exists in which numerous pictures have been painted of changed future worlds. However, upon closer inspection it becomes apparent that virtually all of this literature for to change use above underground, not least in densely populated urban areas, some of which may be underlain by complex geological conditions. This paper reports on the development (to date) of an ’Urban Futures’ (UF) toolkit for sub-surface environments (including infrastructure and utilities) which, through use of ’key’ questions ’sustainable’ indicators and a ’contextual’ narrative , allows for better definition and measured performance of underground space in the UK, both today and in the future. The toolkit explores may uses for undergrou nd space within 4 plausible and well-cited future scenarios (ie New Sustainability Paradigm, Fortress World, Market Forces and Policy Reform). This forms part of a much larger generic toolkit which the UF research team are developing for exploring future future scenarios over a range of UK urban regeneration case study areas.
湖南省湘水环境科技工程有限公司坐落于湖南省长沙市岳麓山国家大学科技园,公司背靠湖南大学、长沙中绿环境设计建设有限公司,具有雄厚的科研优势与技术实力,对外承揽包括 H
创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,也是教育的灵魂,是素质教育的核心。只有创新才能适应时代的需要,才能发现和培养创新人才,才能真正实施素质教育。那么,怎样培养师生的创新能力呢?  创新,在许多人眼里似乎高深莫测。其实,它不过是发挥了每个人应有的创造能力的结果而已。运用我们所获得的知识,去分析、解决新的问题,有所突破,得到新思想、新意思、新观念、新设计、新做法、新方法等,就可以称得上是创新。  一、要培养创新
人生总会有些遗憾之事,教师的遗憾多与学生有关。  一位年轻的中学教师刚接手一个新班,课上让一女孩回答问题。不知为什么,这个女孩死活不肯站起来。教师气火了,厉声说道:“你不站起来,明天就别来上课!”第二天,女孩果真没来。等到了第三天,女孩还是没有来。教师有些着急了,给女孩的哥哥打电话询问原因。哥哥说他们家境困难,他长期在外打工,父母年老多病需要人照顾,妹妹不愿意上学了。既然是这样,教师也就把这件事情