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剛過‘不惑’之年的戈壁,是一位微雕藝術家。他出生在江南水鄉蘇州,自幼喜愛書畫,曾拜名家顧仲華、費新我為師。他在書法、繪畫、竹雕、竹編、泥塑等方面均有較深的造詣,尤以微雕見長。他能在高四厘米、寬六厘米半的象牙摺扇上,分別用各種書體刻上三百首唐詩,共一萬四千六百多字,還有三百零八個印章。《百八鐘聲》寒山寺微雕是他的另一件代表作。在僅長八十二厘米、寬三十八厘米的範圍內,他表現了姑蘇城外这座古刹的風貌和《楓橋夜泊》的意境,接通電源後,燈光閃耀,古樂悠揚,觀眾既可看到寺內各種建築、樹木、陳設,又可聽到《楓橋夜泊》的詩句和一百零八記鐘聲。戈壁的雕刻作品在難以想像的微小之中,融詩文、書法、繪畫和微雕藝術為一爐,將平面微雕、立體微雕組織在古建築羣中,配以民族音樂、燈光、朗誦,首創了既能微觀、又能宏觀,既有平面、又有立體感的有聲有色的新型藝術品。去年,戈壁又開始了更大的創作活動——微雕圆明园。 Just over the Gobi in the year of ’Never Confused’, is a miniature artist. He was born in Suzhou Jiangnan Water Village, since childhood loved painting and calligraphy, once famous Gu Zhonghua, fee new I am a teacher. He has deep attainments in calligraphy, painting, bamboo carving, bamboo weaving, clay sculpture, etc., especially in micro-sculpture. He was able to engrave three hundred Tang poems in various types of books on a four-centimeter-high, six-centimeter-half ivory folding fan, for a total of 14,600 words and three hundred and eight seals. “Eight hundred bells” Hanshan Temple micro-sculpture is another of his masterpiece. In the area of ​​only 82 centimeters long and 38 centimeters wide, he showed the style of this ancient temple outside Gusu City and the artistic conception of “Night Bridge at Maple Point.” After the power was switched on, the lights shone and melodious music was played. Visitors can see the various buildings, trees, furnishings in the temple, and hear the poem “Night at Maple Point” and the bell of 108 bells. Gobi carved works in the tiny unimaginable, melting poetry, calligraphy, painting and micro-carving art as a furnace, the flat micro-carving, three-dimensional micro-sculpture in the ancient buildings, with ethnic music, lighting, reading, pioneering both Can be micro, but also macro, both the plane, but also three-dimensional sense of the new audio-visual works of art. Last year, Gobi started a larger creative activity - the Weeping Yuanmingyuan.
绵延四千年,这种从低级蚕虫中变幻而出的华丽织物,雄踞着纺织品皇后的宝座。 Stretching four thousand years, this gorgeous fabric that changes from a lower-level sil
三十年來未曾發生過因超劑量照射致死、大面積環境污染和急性放射性病患者的事故。 For thirty years there have been no accidents due to overdose exposure, widespread
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