The influence of MoS_2 on tribology characteristic parameter of Ni60A/MoS_2 composite lubricating co

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenlimm
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The influence of MoS_2 on the tribology characteristic parameter of Ni60A/MoS_2composite lubricating coating was researched on the UMT-2 fretting abrasion tester (USA).The result shows that with increasing content of MoS_2, the hardness curve of the compositecoating decreases and the trend accelerates.Under the same experimental conditions,the mass loss of plasma spray composite coating without adding MoS_2 is 1.27×10~(-2) mg.When the amount of MoS_2 reaches 35%, the mass loss is 0.96×10~(-2) mg.It can be seenthat adding MoS_2 phase can improve the wear resistance, the amplitude of which is closeto 30%.The friction coefficient of plasma spray composite coating without adding MoS_2 is0.23.Adding MoS_2 could decrease the friction coefficient of the coating and presents adowntrend.When the mass fraction is 35%, the friction coefficient is the smallest (0.13),and the range is doubled. The influence of MoS_2 on the tribology characteristic parameter of Ni60A / MoS_2composite lubricating coating was invenched on the UMT-2 fretting abrasion tester (USA). The result shows that with increasing content of MoS_2, the hardness curve of the compositecoating decreases and the trend accelerates .Under the same experimental conditions, the mass loss of plasma spray composite coating without adding MoS_2 is 1.27 × 10 ~ (-2) mg. When the amount of MoS_2 reaches 35%, the mass loss is 0.96 × 10 -2 The friction coefficient of plasma spray composite coating without adding MoS_2is0.23.Adding MoS_2 could decrease the friction coefficient of the coating and presents adowntrend. WH the mass fraction is 35%, the friction coefficient is the smallest (0.13), and the range is doubled.
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