Effects of Water Regime and Straw Application in Paddy Rice Season on N_2O Emission from Following W

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangersong
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A split-plot experiment in a rice-winter wheat rotation system was performed to study the effects of water regime and wheat straw application in rice-growing season on N2O emission from following wheat growing season. Water regime in the rice-growing season was designed as the conventional irrigation (flooding/drainage cycle) and the permanent flooding. Wheat straw was incorporated with three rates of 0, 225 and 450 g m-2 into the paddy soil for each water regime just before rice was transplanted. N2O emission was measured by static chamber-gas chromatograph method. Results from the variance analysis indicated that the permanent flooding in rice-growing season markedly enhanced N2O emission in following wheat growing season (P=0. 003), and that the effect of straw application on N2O emission was distinguished between two water regimes. Under the conventional irrigation, incoporation of wheat straw reduced N2O emission in the following wheat growing season, while there were no significant differences in A split-plot experiment in a rice-winter wheat rotation system was performed to study the effects of water regime and wheat straw application in rice-growing season on N2O emission from following wheat growing season. Water regime in the rice-growing season was designed as the conventional irrigation (flooding / drainage cycle) and the permanent flooding. Wheat straw was incorporated with three rates of 0, 225 and 450 g m-2 into the paddy soil for each water regime just before rice was transplanted. Results from the variance analysis indicated that the permanent flooding in rice-growing season markedly enhanced N2O emission in following wheat growing season (P = 0.003), and that the effect of straw application on N2O emission was distinguished between two water regimes. Under the conventional irrigation, incoporation of wheat straw reduced N2O emission in the following wheat growing season, while there were no significa nt differences in
在西方国家经济呈现倒退的1990年,用于保值和奢侈饰品的贵重金属——黄金的需求量,约为7 400万盎司(1盎司=31.1g)左右。1990年世界黄金产量已从1989年的5 300万盎司增至5 50
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