
来源 :中国食品工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bitgxd
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加入WTO后,我国的对外贸易已完全融入全球经济一体化的大潮,这就要求我们必须遵循国际准则。在食品方面,欧盟、美国等发达国家要求对出口到当地的食品均必须能够进行跟踪和追溯。EAN·UCC系统是由国际物品编码协会开发、管理和维护的全球统一标识系统和 After China’s accession to the WTO, China’s foreign trade has fully integrated itself into the tide of global economic integration, which requires us to follow international norms. In terms of food, the developed countries such as the European Union and the United States require that the food exported to the locality must be tracked and traced back. The EAN · UCC system is a globally harmonized identification system developed, managed and maintained by the International Article Numbering Association and
2004年春,翰海拍卖公司组织拍卖,陆俨少创作的百幅杜甫诗意图册页,拍出近7000万元。这是当时中国画在海内外拍出的最高价。  “陆家小开”着女装  陆俨少,学名祖同,字俨少,又名砥,号宛若,世居今上海嘉定南翔镇。汉末三国鼎立,陆姓即为“云间第一望族”。远祖陆在安是抗金名将岳飞的幕僚,岳飞遇害后,他愤而辞官,归隐嘉定南翔。之后,陆氏家族在南翔代代相传。当地有谚语曰:“先有陆家厅,后有南翔镇。”传至