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背景:自然灾害对人类社会造成极大的危害,群体心理应激、社会支持对于减少幸存者心理创伤和疾病起到积极的作用。洪涝灾害后群体心理应激与脑血管疾病发病的相关性尚不十分清楚。目的:探讨洪涝灾害后受灾群体的心理应激、社会支持与脑血管病的关系。设计:随机抽取遭受特大洪涝灾害受灾最重的两个县部分乡镇进行调查,并根据受灾程度分为轻灾组和重灾组,并设立对照组。以诊断为依据,进行病例对照的随访观察的前瞻性研究。地点和对象:1996-08山东省菏泽地区遭受特大洪涝灾害,选择距黄河滩区10km左右受灾较重的东明县刘楼乡、鄄城县董口乡为调查现场。干预:采取家庭、邻里、社区和政府干预,给予灾后即时援助和灾后重建援助。主要观察指标:调查内容包括:一般社会人口学资料、受灾情况和经历、生活事件量表、SCL-90、社会支持评定量表、脑血管病危险因素病史及灾后急性脑血管病发病情况等。结果:灾后受灾群体的心理健康水平下降,无论是轻灾组还是重灾组与对照组比较均差异有显著性意义(P<0.01);灾后受灾群体急性脑血管病的发病率明显增高,与对照组比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.01),且轻灾组高于重灾组;良好而有效的社会支持可降低急性脑血管病的发病率;多元逐步回归分析,急性脑血管病的发生与多种因素有关,灾害事 Background: Natural disasters cause great harm to human society. Group psychological stress and social support play a positive role in reducing the psychological trauma and disease of survivors. The correlation between psychological stress and the incidence of cerebrovascular disease after flood disaster is not yet clear. Objective: To explore the psychological stress, social support and the relationship between cerebrovascular disease and the affected population after flood disaster. Design: Randomly selected some counties and towns in the two most affected areas affected by catastrophic floods to conduct surveys. According to the degree of disaster, they were divided into mild disaster group and heavy disaster group, and a control group was set up. Based on the diagnosis, follow-up of case-control study prospective study. Place and Subject: 1996-08 Heze, Shandong Province suffered a catastrophic flood disaster. He chose Donglou Township in Dongming County and Dongkou Township in Juancheng County as the survey site, about 10km away from the Yellow River beach area. Intervention: Interventions by families, neighborhoods, communities and governments are given to provide immediate post-disaster relief assistance and post-disaster reconstruction assistance. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The survey includes general socio-demographic data, affected conditions and experiences, life event scale, SCL-90, social support rating scale, history of cerebrovascular disease risk factors and post-disaster incidence of acute cerebrovascular disease. Results: The mental health of the disaster-affected groups decreased significantly after the disaster, and there was significant difference between the disaster-hit group and the control group (P <0.01). The incidence of acute cerebrovascular disease in the disaster-affected group was significantly higher than that of the control group The difference between the control group was significant (P <0.01), and mild disaster group than the disaster group; good and effective social support can reduce the incidence of acute cerebrovascular disease; multivariate stepwise regression analysis of acute cerebrovascular disease Occurrence of a variety of factors related to disaster
结节病是较少见的一种多系统非干酪性肉芽肿病 ,常累及肺 ,临床上 90 %~ 1 0 0 %有肺部改变[1 ] 。可发生于任何年龄 ,但多见于 2 0~ 4 0岁青中年 ,女性略多于男性。因临床表现
摘要:随着我国新一轮课改的不断深入,教材的“二度开发”逐渐深入人心。笔者结合相关的实际,在以苏教版小学音乐教材为基础载体上,更加深入地探讨如何灵动地利用好苏教版小学音乐教材,使得我们的教学过程充满乐趣,使得教学成果达到我们预期的理想状态。  关键词:二度开发;苏教版;小学音乐教材  中图分类号:G623.7文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)03-050-1  一、为何:小学音