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8月1日,共青团云南省委召开机关全体干部职工会议专题传达学习省委九届五次全委(扩大)会议精神。会议由团省委副书记雷瑞主持。会上,团省委书记杨军传达了秦光荣同志在省委九届五次全委(扩大)会议上的报告、秦光荣同志在省委九届五次全委(扩大)会议结束时的讲话和李纪恒同志在全委(扩大)会上的讲话精神。杨军指出:带领青年为实现党在现阶段的根本任务,不断推进党的事业,是党对共青团的要求,是共青团义不容辞的责任,也是共青团生命力的源泉。杨军要求:当前,全省各级团组织要把思想和行动统一到省委的要求上来, On August 1, the Communist Youth League Yunnan Provincial Party Committee convened a meeting of all the cadres and workers’ meetings to convey the spirit of the Fifth Session of the Ninth National Committee (Enlarged) Meeting of the Ninth Provincial Committee. The meeting was hosted by Lei Rui, deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League. At the meeting, Yang Jun, secretary of the Communist Youth League delegation, conveyed Comrade Qin Guangrong’s report on the fifth plenary session of the Ninth CPC Congress (enlarged). Comrade Qin Guangrong at the end of the fifth plenary session of the Ninth CPC Central Committee (enlarged) Speech and Comrade Li Jiheng in the whole (enlarged) speech at the meeting. Yang Jun pointed out: To lead the young people in order to realize the fundamental task of the party at this stage and to constantly push forward the cause of the party is the party’s request to the Communist Youth League. It is the bounden duty of the Communist Youth League and the source of the vitality of the Communist Youth League. Yang Jun Requirements: At present, the league organizations at all levels throughout the province should unify their thinking and actions with the requirements of the provincial party committee,
目的:  探讨急诊监护室(Emergency Care Unit,ECU)收住的脓毒症(Sepsis)并发ARDS患者的临床特点及预后影响因素。  方法:  回顾性分析调查2003.01~2011.09之间入住我院EC
目的:观察小切口非超乳白内障囊外摘除术中反眉弓形切口参数(外切口长度、内切口长度、隧道长度、弓高)变化对术后角膜散光及角膜生物力学的影响。  方法:在我院扶贫白内障患
New fieldwork, mineralogical and geochemical data and interpretations are presented for the rare-metal bearing A-type granites of the Aja intrusive complex (AIC
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目的 细小病毒B19(Human Parvovirus B19,以下简称B19),是已知的细小病毒属中唯一致人疾病的病毒。这一病毒广泛存在,在我国也有较高的感染率。主要通过呼吸道、血液制品和宫内