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搭建了紫外激光FPC(Flexible Printed Circuit)切割系统软件的整体框架结构。该切割软件突出之处在于采用振镜和工作台联合协调加工;切割过程中激光依靠受计算机控制的两个振镜实现激光的高速扫描;通过可补偿聚焦误差的聚焦镜将光束聚焦到工件表面,实现高速切割,充分发挥紫外激光的“冷”加工特性。软件通过Gerber文件获取切割路径,然后对切割路径网格化,每一个网格为一个加工单元,加工单元的大小由振镜幅面大小控制,通过移动工作台依次逐块进行加工从而完成整张FPC的切割加工。由于振镜自身的畸变误差(如枕型和桶形畸变等)以及加工过程中网格块的变换,使得如何处理好各种误差补偿是软件发开的关键技术之一;FPC生产工艺复杂,所用的材料容易产生变形;而且不同的部位由于材料不同造成变形不均匀,极大的影响切割精度,软件通过摄像机获取板材上的定位点,通过该定位点与基于射影变换的定位方法完成自动定位与变形校正。最后在Visual C++6.0环境下开发了上述所有功能模块。实践结果表明本软件系统切割速度快,定位精度高;满足了当前FPC切割加工所需要的主要功能,软件操作简单,界面良好,具有较大的应用价值。 Entire frame structure of software system of UV laser FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit) was set up. The highlight of the cutting software is that the galvanometer and the workbench are used to coordinate the processing. During cutting, the laser relies on the two galvanometer controlled by the computer to realize the high-speed scanning of the laser. The focusing beam focuses the beam onto the surface of the workpiece through a focusing lens that can compensate for the focusing error , To achieve high-speed cutting, give full play to UV laser “cold ” processing characteristics. The software obtains the cutting path through the Gerber file, then the cutting path is gridded, each grid is a processing unit, the size of the processing unit is controlled by the size of the galvanometer, and the entire FPC is completed by moving the working table in turn. Cutting process. Because of the distortion of the galvanometer itself (such as pillow-shaped and barrel distortion, etc.) and the transformation of the grid block during the process, how to deal with a variety of error compensation is one of the key technologies for software development; FPC production process is complex, The material used is prone to deformation; and different parts due to different materials caused by uneven deformation, greatly affecting the cutting accuracy, the software through the camera to obtain the positioning point on the plate, through the positioning point and projective transformation based positioning method to complete automatic positioning With distortion correction. Finally, in the Visual C + +6.0 environment developed all the above functional modules. The practice results show that the software system has the advantages of fast cutting speed and high positioning accuracy. The main functions required by the current FPC cutting process are satisfied. The software has the advantages of simple operation, good interface and great application value.
在 35— 75℃和 2 4— 2 4 0bar( 2 .4— 2 4MPa)范围内 ,实验测定了甲烷在三元复合驱油液 (碱 表面活性剂 聚合物溶液 )中的溶解度。结果表明 ,甲烷在三元复合驱油液中的
本文介绍了转轮流动模拟器在气液混输管道中原油析蜡温度测定中的应用。测定了甲烷与原油混相体系的压力对原油析蜡温度的影响。证实了甲烷与原油两相共存情况下 ,体系压力升
研究了铬天青S分光光度法用于分析三元复合驱采出液中铝浓度的可行性。考察了单一的和共存的碱(NaOH)、聚合物 (HPAM )、表面活性剂 (ORS41 )、原油、无机盐对铝定量分析的影
“毛主席教导记心怀,一生交给党安排,笑洒满腔青春血,喜迎全球幸福来。”这是战斗英雄陈绍光生前的誓言,也是他一生行为的真实写照。陈绍光的英雄事迹教育和影响了几代人,49年过去了,他的英雄形象始终铭记在人民的心中。而他的母亲袁帮莲,虽是位农家妇女,但她知恩图报,爱国爱党,在大儿子牺牲后,屡送儿子参军,当人大代表后一心为群众办实事,受到人们的称颂。下面讲讲母子两人的故事。  陈绍光血洒珍宝岛  1969