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唇裂下三角瓣修复法唇红术式新探山西医学院第二附属医院(030001)范永斌,季泉海近年来我们在对18例单侧唇裂患儿进行下三角瓣修复法中,采用相对固定的唇红术式进行修复,均获得了较满意效果,现报道如下。资料和方法一、资料:本组18例,男7例,女11例,年龄5/12~6岁,平均2.2岁,其中完全唇裂15例,不完全唇裂3例。术后随访7例,随访时间2月~2年,平均为10月。对照组25例,均为非唇红术式的下三角瓣修复术后患者,男11例,女14例,年龄3.2~23岁,平均13。7岁,其中完全唇裂17例,不完全唇裂8例,术后随访时间2,0~6年,平均3.4年。二、方法:分二个步骤进行(唇白与唇红分别切开缝合)。①依据口腔颌面外科学(高校统编教材第二版)介绍的下三角瓣手术法为标准,定点划线唇部皮肤及唇红缘,切开并缝合皮肤及唇红缘同传统手术方法,患侧近远中线留唇红部保留不切除。②以患侧唇峰4点向唇红部外下方斜行划第一条线,长约4~6毫米,以切开的唇红缘组织距4点2~3毫米处为起点,向唇红外下划第二条线,长约8~10毫米,使第一条线终点相交于第二条线上,呈倒入型,其V型部呈楔形切除,切口均深达肌层。近中患侧以残留唇红尖端为起点 In recent years, we in 18 cases of unilateral cleft lip in children under the triangular flap repair method, the use of relatively fixed lip Red surgery repair, have been more satisfied with the results are reported below. Materials and Methods First, the data: The group of 18 patients, 7 males and 11 females, aged 5/12 to 6 years, an average of 2.2 years, of which 15 cases of complete cleft lip, lip cleft lip in 3 cases. Seven cases were followed up for 2 months to 2 years with an average of 10 months. The control group of 25 patients were non-lip red surgery under the valve repair, 11 males and 14 females, aged 3.2 to 23 years, mean 13.7 years, of which 17 cases of complete cleft lip, not Complete cleft lip in 8 cases, follow-up time 2,06 years, an average of 3.4 years. Second, the method: in two steps (lip and lip red cut suture). ① According to the criteria of the lower triangular flap operation introduced by Oral and maxillofacial surgery (the second edition of the university unified teaching materials), the skin and lips of the lips are cut and sutured, the red edge of the skin and lip are cut and stitched together with the traditional operation methods , Ipsilateral midline near the lip red leaving the Ministry of retained not removed. ② with ipsilateral lip 4 points to the lip below the red line oblique line draw the first line, about 4 to 6 mm, to cut the lip red edge tissue from 4 points 2 to 3 millimeters as a starting point to the lips Infrared underline the second line, about 8 to 10 mm, so that the first line of the end of the line intersects the second line, was poured into the type, the V-shaped wedge-shaped resection, the incision were all deep muscularis. Near the affected side to the remaining lip red tip as a starting point
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1986年以来我们在学习典型SSRO手术的基础上,将升支外侧(颊侧)垂直骨切口改良为与升支内侧骨切口平行式,使手术简化,并发症减少,且使用简单器械即可完成。 Since 1986, we