,3D non-stationary wideband circular tunnel channel models for high-speed train wireless communicati

来源 :中国科学(信息科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nieaobama
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This paper proposes three-dimensional (3D) non-stationary wideband circular geometry-based stochastic models (GBSMs) for high-speed train (HST) tunnel scenarios.Considering single-bounced (SB) and multiple-bounced (MB) components from the tunnel’s intal surfaces,a theoretical channel model is first established.Then,the corresponding simulation model is developed using the method of equal volume (MEV) to calculate discrete angular parameters.Based on the proposed 3D GBSMs,important time-variant statistical properties are investigated,such as the temporal autocorrelation function (ACF),spatial cross-correlation function (CCF),and space-Doppler (SD) power spectrum density (PSD).Results indicate that all statistical properties of the simulation model,verified by simulation results,can match well those of the theoretical model.The statistical properties of the proposed 3D GBSMs are further validated by relevant measurement data,demonstrating the flexibility and utility of our proposed tunnel GBSMs.
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