从教40多年的特级教师关敏卿,于1986年教师节前夕,获得了北京西城区人民政府第一次颁发的“伯乐奖”。 1977年,北京第二实验小学的关老师,从“戴帽”初中班回到小学教学岗位后,有意识地听了一些数学教师的课,她发现一年级算术教师李烈思路清楚,表述明了,教态自然,遂决意与她结成以老带新的对子。有些同志感到奇怪:李老师刚从外校调来,师范毕业后任教还不过三四年,才二十开外年纪,谈不上有什么教育教学经验,什么时候能把她带出来呢?
From the 40-year-long special teacher Guan Minqing, on the eve of the Teachers' Day in 1986, he was awarded the “Bole Prize” first awarded by Beijing Xicheng District People's Government. In 1977, after she returned to primary school from “Daihan” middle school, Guan's teacher consciously listened to some mathematics teachers' lessons. She found out that Li Lixi, a first-year arithmetic teacher, Teaching natural, then decided to form an old band with her new pair. Some comrades feel strange: Teacher Li just transferred from the foreign school. After graduating from normal school, teaching is only three or four years old. Only when he is over 20 years old does he have any education or teaching experience. When can he be brought out?