Austenitization Behaviors of X80 Pipeline Steel With High Nb and Trace Ti Treatment

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshigr321
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The austenitization behaviors of two high niobium-containing X80 pipeline steels with different titanium contents,including the dissolution of microalloying precipitates and the austenite grain growth,were investigated by using physical-chemical phase analysis method and microstructural observation.The results illustrated that most niobium could be dissolved into austenite during soaking at 1 180 ℃,whereas little amount of titanium could be dissolved.It was found that during soaking,the austenite grain growth rate was initially high,and then decreased after soaking for 1 h;moreover,the austenite grains grew up more rapidly at temperatures above 1 180 ℃ than below 1 180 ℃.The results show that the steel with titanium content of 0.016% has a larger austenite grain size than that with titanium content of 0.012% under the same soaking conditions,which is explained by considering the particle size distribution. The austenitization behaviors of two high niobium-containing X80 pipeline steels with different titanium contents, including the dissolution of microalloying precipitates and the austenite grain growth, were investigated by using physical-chemical phase analysis method and microstructural observation. The results illustrated that most niobium could be dissolved into austenite during soaking at 1 180 ° C, and little amount of titanium could be dissolved. It was found that during soaking, the austenite grain growth rate was initially high, and then decreased after soaking for 1 h; moreover, the austenite grains grew up more rapidly at temperatures above 1 180 ° C below below 1 180 ° C .; The results show that the steel with titanium content of 0.016% has a larger austenite grain size than that with titanium content of 0.012% under the same soaking conditions, which is explained by considering the particle size distribution.
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