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陷身于繁荣喧嚣的都市,徘徊于“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的梦境,身心俱疲的你也许只想静静聆听一首牧歌。那悦耳的曲调,高山流水般的情意如风精灵驱散生活的乌云。可是,生活不是牧歌。生活不会用天平衡量这个世界上穷人和富人的数量。牧歌悠扬绵长,牧民们无需费尽心思挑选乐器,雄壮的高山和潺潺的流水培育着他们质朴的嗓音,小牧童的稚嫩,老牧民的浑厚。但是生活中的你却不得不面对赤 You are stuck in a thriving city and you dream of being in the dream of “Chu Ju Dong Hsiu, leisurely see Nan Shan”. You may only want to listen quietly to a pastoral song. The melodious tunes, high mountains of water-like feelings like the wind elves to dispel the dark clouds of life. However, life is not a pastoral song. Life will not use the balance of the world’s number of poor and rich people in the world. The pastoral songs are long and melodious, and the herdsmen do not need to make every effort to select musical instruments. The majestic mountains and flowing waters cultivate their rustic voices, the tenderness of the Xiaomu children, and the honestness of the old herdsmen. But in life, you have to face the red
作为一名美术教师一定要转变教学观念,顺应高中学生美术生理和心理特点,因材施教,转变角色,赢得学生。 As an art teacher, we must change teaching concepts, follow the
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