螃蟹 The Crab

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  One day, an old crab was restless. Feeling stiff and tight all over his body, he realized that time had come for him to shed his old shell.
   He dashed around, trying to find a hole to hide himself, so that he could block the entrance with rocks and change his shell while in hiding. He knew the perils of changing his shell in the open. His new shell would be soft, and he could fall prey to2 other crabs. This fear was real. He saw tragedies like that unfold right before his eyes. Panicked, he continued his desperate search3.
   “Hey, dude, why are you freaking out like that?” asked a crab who happened to stand nearby.
  “I’m going to shed my shell,” answered the old crab.
  “But this is a great place to do your job. Besides, I can help you.”
  “That’s too scary.”
  “Why aren’t you afraid of other creatures lurking in a hole? We’re all crabs. We’re brothers4. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
  “I’m not scared because you’re also a crab.”5
  “Then what are you scared of?”
  “I’m scared because you want to eat me.”
  1魯迅的《螃蟹》运用象征的手段反映现实,讲述即将蜕壳而新生的老螃蟹怎样提防在自己“身子还软”时“被同种吃掉”,揭露了声言要“帮”自己的“同种”而实则想趁机吃“同种”的险恶居心。文章给人的启迪是:蜕变而获新生之事物,在幼弱阶段时,往往面临被旧事物扼杀的风险。  2 fall prey to的意思是be hunted and killed by,也就是“要被……吃去的”。  3虽然原文是“他慌慌张张的走”,但所指的仍然是在“慌慌张张”寻找(一个洞),上文已经提到他在寻找,故此处用he continued his desperate search。
  4所谓“同种”,也就是说都是螃蟹,既然都是螃蟹,也就是兄弟。在这样的语境里,如此表达似乎更加直接、更加达意,也更加适合语域的需要。  5与注4所述情况一样。
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