语文教读法,指导思想明确,内容具体,要求恰当,方法多样,重在培养学生的自学能力。经过潘老师的多年实践,证明这条改革的路子走对了。 当前,不少中学生读书不得法,或浮光掠影,浅尝辄止;或死记硬背,囫囵吞枣。部分语文教师在教学中满堂灌,程式化,空对空。语文教读法有利于克服这些毛病。 语文教读法,要求教师在传授知识的过程中,充分注意教给学生读书的方法,分析的方法,重视思维能力的训练。这是提高语文教学质量的有效途径。
The language teaching and reading method has clear guiding ideology, specific content, appropriate requirements, and diverse methods. It focuses on cultivating students’ self-learning ability. After many years of practice by Teacher Pan, it proved that the road to reform was correct. At present, many middle school students are not allowed to read a book or glimpse a glimpse of the light, but try to stop it; Some language teachers are full of teaching, stylized, air-to-air. Language teaching reading helps to overcome these problems. The language teaching and reading method requires teachers to pay sufficient attention to the method of teaching students reading, the method of analysis, and the training of thinking ability in the process of imparting knowledge. This is an effective way to improve the quality of Chinese teaching.