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面对未来的岁月,从制度及发展理念上筑牢防范尘肺病的防火墙,是责任;面对那些尘肺病人,给他们以适当的补偿,给他们以基本的保障,同样是责任伴随采访的深入,我发现,很多地方的尘肺病群体和朝阳的“尘肺病村”是一样的,事情也是缘起于十几年前。私营矿企大规模进入当地矿山进行开发,周边生活贫困的村民争相去矿区打工,因为“收入比乡里的干部工资都高”。但谁都没想到,恶果由此埋下。地方政府看重GDP,私营企业主追逐高额利润,为压缩成本,连本应由企业提供的防尘面罩也要劳动者自己买。加上农民工最初不具备任何劳动保护的常识,更没有签订劳动合同的概念,只是频繁地更换矿井,乐见当天结算工钱。乱象之下,凭打工挣的钱盖起的新房还未装修好,他们就被尘肺病击倒,并迅速将一家人拖向贫困,当地原 In the face of the coming years, it is our responsibility to build a firewall for preventing pneumoconiosis from the system and development concept. In the face of those pneumoconiosis patients, giving them adequate compensation and giving them basic protection is also a responsibility that goes with the interview. , I found that in many parts of the pneumoconiosis group and the Chaoyang “pneumoconiosis village ” is the same, things also originated in a dozen years ago. Large-scale private mining enterprises to enter the local mine for development, the surrounding poor villagers competing to go to work in the mining area, because “income is higher than the village cadres ”. But no one thought, the evil fruit thus planted. Local governments value GDP, private entrepreneurs pursue high profits, in order to reduce costs, even the dust mask that should have been provided by the enterprises have to buy their own workers. Coupled with the common sense that migrant workers did not initially have any labor protection, they did not sign the concept of a labor contract. Instead, they frequently changed their mines to see the day they settled their wages. Under the chaos, the new houses built from the money earned from wage earners have not yet been renovated, and they are knocked over by pneumoconiosis and quickly dragged their families to poverty,
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