shRNA-mediated Slc38a1 silencing inhibits migration, but not invasiveness of human pancreatic cancer

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhanglu
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Objective:Early metastasis is a major biological feature of pancreatic cancer.The current study examined whether silencing Slc38a1,a gene involved in energy metabolism,using short hairpin RNA(shRNA)could inhibit the growth,migration,and invasiveness of pancreatic cancer cells.Methods:A series of Slc38a1 shRNAs were designed and cloned into the pGPU6/GFP/Neo vectors.An shRNA with the most efficacious inhibitory action on SCL38A1 expression(65%inhibition)upon screening in DH5αbacteria was used to transfect SW1990 human pancreatic cancer cells.Cell growth,migration,and invasiveness were examined using cell counting kit-8,Boyden chamber without and with Matrigel,respectively.Results:Transfection of SW1990 cells with the SLCs38A1 shRNA significantly decreased the proliferation(P<0.0001)and migratory potential(by 46.7%,P=0.0399)of the cancer cells.Invasiveness,however,was not affected.Conclusions:Inhibiting Slc38a1 using shRNA technology could decrease the growth and migration of representative pancreatic cancer cells.However,the fact that invasiveness was not affected suggested that SLC38A1 is unlikely to be responsible for early metastasis. Objective: Early metastasis is a major biological feature of pancreatic cancer. Current study detecting whether silencing Slc38a1, a gene involved in energy metabolism, using short hairpin RNA (shRNA) could inhibit the growth, migration, and invasiveness of pancreatic cancer cells. Methods : A series of Slc38a1 shRNAs were designed and cloned into the pGPU6 / GFP / Neo vectors. An shRNA with the most efficacious inhibitory action on SCL38A1 expression (65% inhibition) upon screening in DH5αbacteria was used to transfect SW1990 human pancreatic cancer cells. Cell Growth, migration, and invasiveness were examined using cell counting kit-8, Boyden chamber without and with Matrigel, respectively. Results: Transfection of SW1990 cells with the SLCs38A1 shRNA significantly decreased the proliferation (P <0.0001) , P = 0.0399) of the cancer cells. Invasiveness, however, was not affected. Conclusions: Inhibiting Slc38a1 using shRNA technology could decrease the growth and migration of representa The fact that invasiveness was not affected suggested that SLC38A1 is unlikely to be responsible for early metastasis.
目的 在病理学教学中,对PBL教学法进行探讨.方法在某职业学院2010级护理专业高职班,对PBL教学法进行初步尝试,并通过问卷调查和成绩分针对对教学情况进行初步分析.结果PBL教
以问题为基础的教学法(Problem-based learning, PBL)是一种以学生主观学习为主,教师引导为辅的新型教学模式,一些医学教学实践证明了这种教学方法的优越性.然而,在高职高专
针对中职卫生学校学生的知识基础和目前职业教育的培养特点,在病理学教学中使用传统教学法已显单一和枯燥,容易使学生产生厌学情绪,而问题式教学法(Problem-Based Learning,P