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猪是食品公司的主管商品,是目前我国农村主要副业之一.它对安排城乡人民生活,稳定副食品市场起主要作用.单就我们县一年猪的收购总值来看,就占全县农副产品收购总值30%以上,可见,发展养猪生产,做好生猪收购、调拨、供应,与广大农民的利益和城乡人民生活是密切相关的.当前,养猪业基本上是一家一户的个体小生产.生产的周转期一般为200天左右,平原地区一年饲养周转期可达二次以上.冬、春是长膘最快的季节,秋、夏季则长膘缓慢,而且多病.习惯上春节前投售一次猪,在长膘慢的5——6月份投售一次猪.这二个季节的生猪收购量(大约二个月左右),要占全年收购量30%以上.因此,在食品收购上,就出现了旺季栏满库足偏多,淡季供应不足 The pig is the chief commodity of the food company and is currently one of the major sub-sectors in rural China. It plays a major role in arranging the life of the people in both urban and rural areas and stabilizing the non-staple food market. In terms of the total purchase value of one-year-old pigs in our county, it occupies the whole county. The total purchase value of agricultural and sideline products is more than 30%. It can be seen that the development of pig production and the acquisition, allocation, and supply of live pigs are closely related to the interests of farmers and the lives of urban and rural people. Currently, the pig industry is basically a household. The individual small-scale production. The turnover period of production is generally about 200 days, and the turnover period in the plain area can reach more than two times a year. Winter and spring are the fastest seasons for the long-billed storks. In the fall and summer, the pods are slow, and they are very sick. It is customary to sell a pig before the Spring Festival and sell the pig once in a slow-moving period from May to June. The purchase volume of pigs in these two seasons (approximately two months or so) will account for more than 30% of the annual purchase volume. Therefore, on the purchase of food, there has been a large number of warehouses in the busy season and insufficient supply in the off-season.
两个人出去猎熊。一个人留在一间小木屋中,另一个到外边寻找熊的踪迹。很快他发现了一只巨大的熊,于是向它开枪射击,但只是把它射伤了。 Two people went out to hunt bears