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2013年,“创新”成为保险界当之无愧的“热词”。监管部门多次发声鼓励保险创新。大小险企闻风而动,极尽脑力研发新险种。在这样的氛围下,“中秋赏月险”这样让人耳目一新的保险产品,既闪现了创新的灵感,又提供了坊间的谈资。充满争议的趣味险8月26日,淘宝保险与安联财险共同推出“中秋赏月险”。这款号称“史上第一”的保险产品,承诺要给中秋节当天因天气原因无法在投保地赏月的投保人以赔偿。这款“新新险类”从诞生之日起就受 In 2013, “Innovation” became a well-deserved “hot word” in the insurance industry. Regulators repeatedly voiced encourage insurance innovation. The size of insurance companies move in the wind, make every effort to develop new types of insurance. In such an atmosphere, such a refreshing insurance product like Mid-Autumn Festival Riding Inspiration not only explored the inspiration of innovation but also provided informal discussion. Controversial Fun Insurance August 26, Taobao Insurance and Allianz Insurance jointly launched the “Mid-Autumn Festival reward insurance.” This is known as “the history of the first ” insurance products, promised to Mid-Autumn Day because of weather conditions can not be insured in the moon insured to compensate. This “new new insurance category ” from the date of its birth
Idesia polycarpa Maxim.var vestita Diels.is a dioecious tree species native to eastern Asia.There are difficulties associated with distinguishing the sex of the
This study evaluated boron diffusion from raw boron minerals ulexite and colemanite with low water solubility in comparison to disodium octaborate tetrahydrate
Primary dormancy of seeds of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb.et Zucc.) after dispersal in the autumn and the induction of secondary dormancy the first summer