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目的对廊坊市布鲁氏菌病(以下简称布病)监测点重点人群血清学监测结果进行分析,观察人间布病流行状况。方法抽取从事饲养、屠宰等重点人群血清受检者的血液各5 ml,静置分离血清,采用琥红平板试验定性和试管凝集试验定量的方法对其进行检测。使用SPSS 19.0软件进行数据分析。结果廊坊市2010-2014年重点人群布鲁氏菌病血清学监测平均阳性率为2.90%,发病率逐年增加,平均发病率1.87/10万,截至2014年廊坊市共计监测到734例布病病例。防治知识知晓率平均68.28%,呈逐年上升趋势;健康行为形成率平均63.18%,呈逐年上升趋势。4~7月高发,香河县、大厂县、广阳区三地高发,40~50岁年龄组人群高发。饲养、畜产品加工及贩运、屠宰、兽医等职业的阳性率较高,是否按规程操作对发病率有影响。结论廊坊市布病发病率逐年上升,重点人群布病血检阳性率平均2.90%,通过健康教育可降低人间布病流行趋势。 Objective To analyze the serological surveillance results of major population of brucellosis (hereinafter referred to as brucellosis) in Langfang, and to observe the epidemic situation of human brucellosis. Methods Blood samples of 5% serum from subjects who were engaged in feeding and slaughtering were collected, and the serum was separated and separated. The qualitative and quantitative test of agglutination test was used to detect the serum. Use SPSS 19.0 software for data analysis. Results The average positive rate of brucellosis serological surveillance in key population from 2010 to 2014 in Langfang City was 2.90%. The incidence increased year by year with an average incidence of 1.87 / 100 000. As of 2014, a total of 734 cases of brucellosis were detected in Langfang City . The awareness rate of prevention and treatment knowledge was 68.28% on average, showing an upward trend year by year; the formation rate of healthy behaviors was 63.18% on average, showing an upward trend year by year. From April to July high incidence, high incidence of Xianghe County, Dachang County, Guangyang District, high incidence of 40 to 50 age group. Feeding, livestock products processing and trafficking, slaughtering, veterinary and other occupational high positive rate, whether the operation of the rules on the incidence rate. Conclusion The prevalence of brucellosis in Langfang City increased year by year. The prevalence of brucellosis in key population averaged 2.90%. The health education could reduce the epidemic trend of human brucellosis.
目的 观察联合外用药物塞肛治疗肛窦炎的临床疗效和不良反应.方法 对门诊确诊为肛窦炎的32例患者予美辛唑酮红古豆醇酯栓及甲硝唑阴道泡腾片同时塞肛治疗,观察临床疗效与不良