新兴精细化工讲座——第十六章 精细化工生产过程的设计与优化

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2 间歇化工过程设计虽然间歇操作一直是建模、设计和优化研究的课题之一,但早期的工作仅限于单无操作.将焦点集中于过程设计只是近二十余年的事,而且发展迅速.2.1 混合问题搅拌混合操作在间歇化工厂中应用极其广泛.它经常误解为单元操作,并被误认为成熟的技术.混合是与流动相相关联的力学问题.另外,对混合机理的描述需要事先知道流体不规则运动的一些细节,而这些信息只有依赖于流动过程的流体动力学并借助于Doppler激光测速仪,才能获得.因此,在各种化工过程系统的设计与操作中对混合问题需特别加以注意.2.1.1 混合器的多用性搅拌混合是传质、传热和物理、化学过程的核心.混合与加工时间、温度、压力和催化剂活性一样,对控制产品的收率和质量起重要作用.混合器可以仅仅是为了混合而设计,但有时混合产生的间接效果如反应速率、传质传热效果,也是我们所希望的.从这种意义上说,混合器不象别的过程设备那样单纯,它具有多用性. 2 Intermittent Chemical Process Design Although intermittent operation has been one of the topics of modeling, design and optimization research, the early work was limited to single operation, focusing on process design was only a matter of more than two decades and developing rapidly .2.1 Mixing problems Mixing and mixing operations are extremely versatile in batch plants and are often misunderstood as unit operations and mistaken for proven technologies Mixing is a mechanical problem associated with mobile phases In addition, a description of the mixing mechanism requires Knowing in advance the details of the fluid’s irregular motion, which is only dependent on the fluid dynamics of the flow process and is achieved with the aid of a Doppler laser gun, the mixing problem in the design and operation of various chemical process systems Particular attention is paid to the use of mixers.2.1.1 Mixing of mixers Mixing is the core of mass transfer, heat transfer and physical and chemical processes. Mixing, like processing time, temperature, pressure and catalyst activity, controls the yield and quality of the product Important role. Mixer can be designed for mixing only, but sometimes the indirect effects of mixing such as reaction rate, mass transfer heat transfer Effect, but also what we want, in the sense that the mixer is not as simple as other process equipment, it has versatility.
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