Study and modeling of the transport mechanism in a Schottky diode on the basis of a GaAs semiinsulat

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The current through a metal-semiconductor junction is mainly due to the majority carriers.Three distinctly different mechanisms exist in a Schottky diode:diffusion of the semiconductor carriers in metal,thermionic emission-diffusion(TED) of carriers through a Schottky gate,and a mechanical quantum that pierces a tunnel through the gate.The system was solved by using a coupled Poisson-Boltzmann algorithm.Schottky BH is defined as the difference in energy between the Fermi level and the metal band carrier majority of the metal-semiconductor junction to the semiconductor contacts.The insulating layer converts the MS device in an MIS device and has a strong influence on its current-voltage(I-V) and the parameters of a Schottky barrier from 3.7 to 15 eV.There are several possible reasons for the error that causes a deviation of the ideal behaviour of Schottky diodes with and without an interfacial insulator layer.These include the particular distribution of interface states,the series resistance, bias voltage and temperature.The GaAs and its large concentration values of trap centers will participate in an increase in the process of thermionic electrons and holes,which will in turn act on the I-V characteristic of the diode,and an overflow maximum value[NT = 3×10~(20)]is obtained.The I-V characteristics of Schottky diodes are in the hypothesis of a parabolic summit. The current through a metal-semiconductor junction is mainly due to the majority carriers. Three distinctly different mechanisms exist in a Schottky diode: diffusion of the semiconductor carriers in metal, thermionic emission-diffusion (TED) of carriers through a Schottky gate, and a mechanical quantum that pierces a tunnel through the gate. The system was solved by using a coupled Poisson-Boltzmann algorithm. schottky BH is defined as the difference in energy between the fermi level and the metal band carrier majority of the metal-semiconductor junction to the semiconductor contacts.The insulating layer converts the MS device in an MIS device and has a strong influence on its current-voltage (IV) and the parameters of a Schottky barrier from 3.7 to 15 eV. There are several possible reasons for the error that causes a deviation of the ideal behavior of Schottky diodes with and without an interfacial insulator layer. These include the particular distribution of interface states, the series resis tance, bias voltage and temperature.The GaAs and its large concentration values ​​of trap centers will participate in an increase in the process of thermionic electrons and holes, which will in turn act on the IV characteristic of the diode, and an overflow maximum value [ NT = 3 × 10 ~ (20)] is obtained. The IV characteristics of Schottky diodes are in the hypothesis of a parabolic summit.
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