A note on overshoot estimation in pole placements

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dk_wow
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In this note we show that for a given controllable pair (A, B) and any λ>0, a gain matrix K can be chosen so that the transition matrix e~((A+BK)t) of the system =(A+BK)x decays at the exponential rate e~(-λt) and the overshoot of the transition matrix can be bounded by Mλ~L for some constants M and L that are independent of λ. As a consequence, for any h>0, a gain matrix K can be chosen so that the magnitude of the transition matrix e~((A+BK)t) can be reduced by1/2 (or by any given portion) over [0, h]. An interesting application of the result is in the stabilization of switched linear systems with any given switching rate (see [1]). In this note we show that for a given controllable pair (A, B) and any λ> 0, a gain matrix K can be chosen so that the transition matrix e ~ ((A + BK) t) of the system = (A + BK) x decays at the exponential rate e ~ (-λt) and the overshoot of the transition matrix can be bounded by Mλ ~ L for some constants M and L that are independent of λ. As a consequence, for any h> 0 , a gain matrix K can be chosen so that the magnitude of the transition matrix e ~ ((A + BK) t) can be reduced by 1/2 (or by any given portion) over [0, h]. An interesting application of the result is in the stabilization of switched linear systems with any given switching rate (see [1]).
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