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目前,县级国有商业企业职工的思想状况主流是好的,主要表现在:一是政治思想意识明显增强,拥护党的领导,拥护建设有中国特色的社会主义道路,拥护党的路线、方针、政策;二是主人翁意识明显增强,在克服困难、开拓经营、强化管理、扭亏增盈、提高效益等方面,与企业同荣辱、共命运,形成共识;三是市场竞争意识明显增强,深知企业要想在市场竞争中取胜,不是等来的、要来的,而是通过抢抓机遇、奋力拼搏得来的。但也存在一些问题,在一部分同志身上表现为:一是理想 At present, the mainstream of the ideological status of county-level state-owned commercial enterprises is good. The main manifestations are as follows: First, the political and ideological consciousness is obviously enhanced; the party’s leadership is upheld; the socialist road with Chinese characteristics is championed; the party’s line and principles are upheld; Policy; the second is a clear sense of ownership, in terms of overcoming difficulties, developing business, strengthening management, reducing losses and increasing profits, and improving efficiency, with enterprises with the same honor, a total of common destiny, the formation of consensus; Third, the market awareness of competition was significantly enhanced, well aware of the business To win in the market competition, not waiting, coming, but by seizing the opportunity to work hard to come. However, there are some problems that manifest in some comrades as follows: First, they are ideals
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