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五四启蒙者不谙戏曲美学原则,坚持戏剧功能主义,以西方现实主义话剧否定中国写意的民族戏曲,这一做法引起戏曲专家的驳斥,尤其是“国剧”派人士对于戏曲艺术价值的肯定,加之戏曲艺人在坚守传统戏曲美学的基础上的现代调试,反而使得二三十年代戏曲艺术(京剧)达至少有的巅峰状态。 The fact that the May Fourth Enlightenment did not understand the traditional aesthetic principles of theatrical works and insisted on drama functionalism and negated the freehand Chinese nationality drama in Western realistic drama caused the refutation of the opera experts, especially the artistic value of “national drama” , And the modern commissioning of the traditional opera aesthetics based on traditional opera aesthetics by the opera artists has at least brought the pinnacle of opera art in the 1920s and 1930s.
Most enriched categories also have an ordinary category structure which is compatible with the enrichment on them. In this paper, enrichments in a monoidal cate
请问专家如何看待近期股市走势问题?——辽宁读者素洁  我认为目前的指数位还难以有效企稳,短线反弹力度有限,后市仍有回调的压力。  宝钢股份扩容的压力有待消化,随着该股的震荡下调,其它绩优股的重心也会随之下行。  此外,季报表明目前投资风险大于机会,如中创信测、 TCL集团预计2005年第一季度将出现亏损,股价跌停;巢东股份预计2005年上半年同比业绩大幅下降,股价已经两个跌停。  同时,股权分置试
The conjugate-linear anti-involutions and unitary irreducible modules of the intermediate series over the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra are classified,res
In this paper, among other results, we prove that a clone C with five essentially binary operations is minimal if and only if C is a clone of a non-trivial affi