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  一、语法填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共5小題,每小题2分)
There was once upon a time a child who had Good Luck for his godfather.   从前有个孩子,他有一位教父名叫“好运”。  “I am not Fortune,” said Good Luck to the parents, “I have no gifts to him, but whenever he needs help I
ot many years ago, some American farmers began to complain about hawks (鹰) because the hawks were killing chickens. The farmers didn’t know what to do. They went to the government officials and asked
妈妈是不是看到我们的房间凌乱的时候说: 真是乱七八糟!  ① Look at the mess!看看这一团糟! ② What a mess!真是乱七八糟!  另外妈妈是不是也常说:“你的房间真像个猪窝!”这句话怎么说呢? 呵呵,猪圈就是pigsty。那么妈妈想说的“你的房间真像个猪窝!”就可以表达为“What a pigsty your room is!”  暑假里,我们可以向妈妈申请自己收拾
Kaavan the elephant is described as“the world’s loneliest elephant”. After spending years alone2 in a zoo in Pakistan, Kaavan arrived in Cambodia. He will have lots of elephant friends.  大象卡万被称作“世界上最孤
As long as we walk this earth, one thing we should all discover is this. The more you know, the more you know you don’t know. That’s a quote1 from Aristotle, the Greek philosopher who lived over 2,300
Philip had trouble2 holding onto things. His parents were always getting angry3 with him for losing his clothes, his toys, or his homework. They didn’t realize4 that it really wasn’t Philip’s fault5—h
A fool named Fool and a knave named Knave once set up house together2. It shows what fool the Fool is. Fool thinks it is lucky to meet Knave.  一个傻子叫福尔,一个无赖叫克莱夫,两人要把房子建到一起,这就显得傻子到底有多傻。而福尔却还在想,能遇到克莱夫是他的
摘要:归纳总结了非线性曲线拟舍的方法、求解步骤和上机操作过程。  关键词:曲线拟合 非线性 MATLAB  中图分类号:TP311.131 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-2422(2008)01-0057-03    1 曲线拟合的基本原理    已知一组测定的数据(例如N个点(xi,yi)去求得自变量x和因变量y的一个近似解析表达式y=φ(x)。若记误差δi=φ(xi)-yi,i=1
“We’ll be back in a couple of hours,” they said to me as they walked out the door. “OK,” I stammered1 as I feared my parents and my brother leaving me home alone for the first time. Each thing in the
1. Labrador Retriever2 拉布拉多猎犬  The Labrador Retriever is a gentle, outgoing and friendly breed. It was bred originally3 as a hunting dog. Yet it can go from the hunt to the circus and to the family ro