
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengxiaofei317
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目的对丹棱县水库湿地螺情进行监测,为该类地区钉螺控制提供依据。方法选择该县中、小型水库各1座,对水库周围各类环境螺情进行调查,计算并比较两水库上下游以及各主要环境的有螺框出现率和活螺密度等指标。同时,收集两水库下游邻村灌区逐年螺情资料,分析螺情变化趋势。结果梅湾水库地处深丘,有螺框出现率为4.29%,活螺最高密度为28.00只/0.1 m2、平均密度为0.38只/0.1 m2;上、下游有螺框出现率分别为0.17%和22.16%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=1 267.40,P<0.05),以溢洪道最高(51.69%);下游活螺最高密度及平均密度分别是上游的7.00倍和656.10倍。竹林坎水库地处浅丘,有螺框出现率为17.29%,活螺密度最高为38.00只/0.1 m2、平均密度0.61只/0.1 m2;上、下游有螺框出现率分别为12.95%和50.92%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=194.68,P<0.05),以溢洪道最高(65.74%);下游活螺密度最高和平均密度分别为上游的5.43倍和10.00倍。水库建成后,两座水库下游邻村灌区历史有螺面积占整个修建前后的57.26%(398 030 m2/695 160 m2);从20世纪90年代开始,下游邻村有螺面积呈曲线下降趋势,期间曾多次回升。结论丘陵水库湿地适宜钉螺孳生,且浅丘比深丘螺情更重。该类地区钉螺易扩散,有螺情反复的风险。 Objective To monitor the snail condition of Danling reservoir wetland and provide the basis for snail control in this area. Methods One of the middle and small reservoirs in the county was selected to investigate the environmental snail around the reservoir and calculate and compare the occurrence rates of snail frames and live lobe density in the upstream and downstream of the two reservoirs and in all major environments. At the same time, we collected data on the spire of neighboring villages in the downstream of the two reservoirs and analyzed the changing trend of snails. Results The Meiyang Reservoir was located in the deep mound. The occurrence rate of screw frame was 4.29%. The highest density of live snails was 28.00 /0.1 m2 and the average density was 0.38 /0.1 m2. The occurrence rates of screw frame on the upstream and downstream were 0.17% And 22.16%, respectively. The difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 1 267.40, P <0.05), with the spillway being the highest (51.69%); the highest and average densities of living snails downstream were 7.00 times and 656.10 times respectively. The bamboo forest reservoirs are located in shallow mounds with the occurrence rate of 17.29%, the highest live density of 38.00 /0.1 m2 and the average density of 0.61 /0.1 m2. The occurrence rates of screw frames in upper and lower reaches are 12.95% and 50.92% , The difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 194.68, P <0.05), with the highest spillway (65.74%); the highest and the lowest average density of live lobsters were 5.43 and 10.00 times respectively. After the completion of the reservoir, the historic area of ​​contiguous irrigation area in the adjacent village downstream of the two reservoirs accounted for 57.26% (398 030 m2 / 695 160 m2) before and after the construction. Since the 1990s, the contiguous area of ​​the adjacent villages in the lower reaches has a downward trend, During the repeated rebound. Conclusions The hilly reservoirs are suitable for snail breeding, and the shallow mound is more serious than the deep mound. Oncomelania in such areas is easy to spread, there is the risk of spiraling repeatedly.
目的 通过现场试验获得5%杀螺胺颗粒剂现场应用的技术指标,为血吸虫感染高危环境应急处置提供钉螺控制新技术.方法 在扬州市邗江区(小现场)和仪征市(大现场)各选择1个环境进行
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目的 了解云南省宾川县人群片形吸虫感染情况及相关危险因素.方法 2014年2-3月,选择宾川县州城镇2个行政村的6个自然村作为调查点,对≥5岁的常住人口采用ELISA法进行血清抗体
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